Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Harmful Effects Of Body Piercing Essay -- Body Piercing
An incredible number of youngsters and youthful grown-ups have a body puncturing. These can extend anyplace from your stomach catch to your tongue. There are numerous impacts it can have on you socially, or genuinely. This article will portray the social parts of body puncturing, this incorporates initial introductions, kinds of companions, and occupation possibilities. Early introductions are essential to numerous individuals. To certain people body puncturing may appear to be terrifying or scaring. The individual with the penetrating might be dealt with distinctively in a store. They may be observed all the more cautiously to forestall shoplifting due to this puncturing. A few deals agents may do this since they got the impression the client was perilous or dubious. These assumptions join other physical qualities, for example, race or dress. Soci...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Proprioception Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers
Proprioception: How and Why There are five normal detects that are talked about and gained since the beginning: sight, hearing, taste, contact, and smell. The I-work, the cognizant piece of the cerebrum, is exceptionally mindful of these faculties. It deliberately checks data got by these faculties so as to encounter the earth, and furthermore when a sufficient upgrades has flagged consideration regarding these particular receptors. There are other similarly significant tactile frameworks set up that are fundamental for ordinary body working, however these are not all that handily perceived by the I-work in light of the fact that the sensory system keeps the info oblivious. One neglected sense, known as proprioception, is as significant, if not increasingly significant as different faculties, for ordinary working. Proprioception is the procedure by which the body can fluctuate muscle withdrawal in quick reaction to approaching data in regards to outside powers, by using stretch receptors in the muscles to monitor the joint situation in the body (1). Proprioception and kinesthesia, the vibe of joint movement and speeding up, are the tangible criticism instruments for engine control and stance. Proposals components alongside the vestibular framework, a liquid filled system inside the internal ear that can feel the draw of gravity and enables the body to keep situated and adjusted, are unknowingly used by the cerebrum to give a consistent inundation of tangible data (2). The cerebrum would then be able to convey quick and oblivious changes in accordance with the muscles and joints so as to accomplish development and parity. Why has the sensory system built up the feeling of proprioception, and for what reason is it an oblivious part of the tactile framework? Proprioception, additionally regularly alluded to as the s... ...tion is by all accounts one of the most convoluted parts of the mind. Was the I-work one of the last viewpoints to develop in the human mind up to this point? On the off chance that so was it in light of the fact that the necessities for endurance were practiced by the species, proprioception permits development and eating is instinctual to the mind? For what reason did advancement cause the human to build up the I-work? References 1)Proprioception, An improved diagram of anatomical structures and neurophysiological activities associated with joint security. 2)Mixed up in Space, An article concerning how the vestibular and proprioceptor frameworks respond in space. 3)Why can't this man feel whether he is standing up?, The account of limited's loss of proprioception
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Writing That Is Logical and Coherent
Writing That Is Logical and Coherent According to the 18th century English minister Isaac Watts, It was a saying of the ancients, Truth lies in a well; and to carry on this metaphor, we may justly say that logic does supply us with steps, whereby we may go down to reach the water. Whatever we are writing, our readers will only reach the water, or understand what we have written, if our writing is logical. If we are writing to entertain, our readers may just give up if they find our writing hard to follow. If our technical or academic writing lacks logic, they may have no choice but to struggle for comprehension. However, in either case, without a logical development of the material, our message may be lost, causing the objective of our writing to go unfulfilled.There are several logical methods that we can use to organize our writing. If we are telling a story, we might relate the events in chronological order. For instance, a biography would logically start with the individuals birth and end with their death, with the story of their life told in between. A fictional story would likewise progress from beginning to end, with events related in chronological order.In academic papers, the problem and solution method is often used. The introduction might give the reasons that the writers felt that a particular line of research was needed. This usually includes an outline of the work that has already been done in this area, with the limitations and failings of this research. The rest of the paper then gives a detailed explanation of the solution that the writers have come up with to solve these problems.The cause and effect method is very similar to the problem and solution method. This might be used for an article in a medical journal. The article could begin with a description of a particular lifestyle and then move on to describe the effects of this lifestyle. A more technical article might introduce a new drug and then give a detailed explanation of the effects of this drug.Technical documents, such as manuals or newsletters, often use a topical approach. For example, a software manual may be divided into sections, with each section explaining a different feature of the software. Providing a table of contents in the front and an index in the back allows a reader to easily turn to a specific topic.Of course, these are just examples. Other methods are also available and the methods mentioned above may be used for other forms of writing. The point is: does what weve written approach the subject in a logical way? Is the material organized so that it makes sense to the reader? Do they understand how we got from point A to point B? Does it accomplish what were seeking to accomplish? Does it entertain? Does it explain? Does it educate?In addition to applying logic to the overall organization of our writing, each section, paragraph, and individual sentence should also be logical. This seems like an obvious point. Every writer wants to be understood; he wants his writing to make sense. Yet often, even when all the facts are present, they are difficult to comprehend. For a piece to make sense, it must be coherent. The parts must be logically connected, they must stick together. You might compare this to a jigsaw puzzle. For a jigsaw puzzle or a piece of writing, to make sense, obviously, the pieces must all be there. Yet more is required. The pieces must also be put together in the proper order, and if a piece doesnt fit, it has to either be left out or moved to a place where it will fit. If these rules are not followed, the resulting picture will be difficult to discern.A common mistake in writing is trying to force pieces together. This can cause confusion. How many times have you read a sentence and then struggled to understand the point being made? As an example, consider the sentence, The women loved to cook, and there were three of them. When you read a sentence like that, do you wonder whether there is some significance to the fact that there were three wom en? Often a writer will connect two thoughts together that are not directly related. Sometimes this is done because he wants to include a fact and doesnt know where else to put it. In this example, if the writer needs to inform the reader that there were three women, it would be simpler to say, The three women loved to cook. In this way, the reader can file away the fact that there were three women, without wondering whether this fact has some special significance that he is missing.In the above example, if there is some special significance to the fact that there were three women, further explanation should be provided to make this clear. This can be done either in the same sentence or in a second sentence. For instance, The women loved to cook, and since there were three of them, the kitchen was often crowded. Or, The women loved to cook. Since there were three of them, this meant that the kitchen was often crowded. By using the words since and this meant, the reader clearly under stands the relationship between the fact that they loved to cook and the fact that there were three of them.In other cases, it may be that no relationship exists between two parts of a sentence. Two phrases may have been put together simply out of convenience. For example, The women loved to cook, and the sky was very dark that day. If these two phrases have no relationship, the reader will be confused. Even dividing them into separate sentences will not be enough. The reader will still be looking for a relationship. If none exists, he will feel that he has missed something. In this case, the whole paragraph may need to be revised, moving one of these pieces of the puzzle to a place where it makes more sense.To ensure that each sentence logically follows the one before, it may be helpful to think in terms of connective words. To continue a thought, you might use words like in addition, likewise, moreover, etc. To enumerate a list of facts you could use words or phrases such as initi ally, next, following this, etc. To show how one thing is the consequence of another, words like consequently, therefore, and admittedly might be helpful. Contrasts can be highlighted with words or expressions like however, on the other hand, nonetheless, in contrast, etc. Other connective words include certainly, obviously, undoubtedly, for example, in conclusion, finally, since, etc. These words might be used to connect two phrases together, or at the beginning of a sentence to connect it to the one before. Of course, it is not necessary to use a connective word for each sentence. It would probably sound strange if we did. Still, it is good to think in terms of connective words. It should be obvious that each sentence is connected to the one before it. It is helpful to read the piece out loud, perhaps with someone else listening. Does it flow smoothly? Does each sentence lead naturally to the next, or does it seem to jump from one point to another?To summarize, writing should be l ogical. It should be coherent, flowing smoothly from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph. The reader should not have to guess at the relationship between subsequent statements. This is true regardless of the type of writing involved. Various methods can be used to organize our writing in a logical way, including chronological order, problem and solution, cause and effect, and a topical arrangement.If our writing is logical and coherent, we will have succeeded in reaching down into our personal well of truth, providing our readers with the waters of understanding.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Should Females Be The Abortion - 1418 Words
Should Females be aloud to have an Abortion? Millions are not alive today, because they were never given the chance to be born. Did you know four out of ten pregnancies end in abortion? In the United States, abortion one of the most controversial and most debated topics. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 22 percent of all pregnancies, excluding miscarriages, end in abortion. Abortion is when a woman chooses or is forced to terminate the fetus inside her body. Do you think that a fetus has the right to be in the body of a woman against her will? Or does a woman have the choice to abort the fetus because it s her body? The answer is often determined by an individual s personal beliefs about religion, ethics, personal freedom, and†¦show more content†¦After the Supreme Court heard the testimony of this case, the justices voted for Roe. That second time this issue went to court, the Supreme Court declared the constitutional rights to have an abortion. But to this day, people have different opinions, some states are pr o and some are against abortion. Killing a fetus is the same as murdering a stranger on the street. Central to the morality debate is the issue of when life begins. However, our science is technologically advanced and proves that abortion is murder. According to (,†Unborn human beings are living, separate, and unique, from the moment of fertilization – better known as conception – a new human life is in existence.†You are not aborting your problems, you’re aborting a life. Once, again abortion can be considered either a simple medical procedure or the murder of an innocent life. Females need to understand the consequences of having unprotected sex. You should think about it before you had sex. Some females think that aborting a child is the last solution to their problems. Today, we have adoption programs and foster services. There are females in the world that can’t have kids, including my aunt. She had nine miscarriages and still hopes and prays to have kids. According to (daily mail), â€Å"women unable to have children, even after fertility treatment is nearly
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Greatest Hits Thomas Edisons Most Memorable Quotes
Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor born on February 11, 1847. Considered one of the best known inventors in American history, his ingenuity brought us the modern day light bulb, electrical power systems, the phonograph, motion picture cameras and projectors, and more. Much of his success and brilliance can be attributed to his unique outlook and personal philosophy, which he extolled throughout his life. Here is a short collection of some of his most notable quotes.  On Failure While Edison has always been thought of as an extremely successful inventor, he has always reminded us that failure and dealing with failure in a positive way has always been a reality for all inventors. For example, Edison literally had thousands of failures before he invented a light bulb that succeeded. So to him, how an inventor deals with the inevitable failures that happen along the way can make or break their path to success. Many of lifes failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.I have not failed. Ive just found ten thousand ways that wont work.Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time.Negative results are just what I want. Theyre just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that dont.Just because something doesnt do what you planned it to do doesnt mean its useless.Failure is really a matter of conceit. People dont work hard because, in their conceit, they imagine theyll succeed without ever making an effort. Most people believe that theyll wake up some day and find themselves rich. Actually, theyve got it half right, because eventually they do wake up.Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure. On the Value of Hard Work During his lifetime, Edison patented 1,093 inventions. It takes a strong work ethic to be as prolific as he was and often it meant putting in 20 hour days. However, Edison enjoyed every minute of his own hard work and once said I never did a days work in my life, it was all fun. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary.We often miss opportunity because its dressed in overalls and looks like work.If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.â€Å"Vision without execution is hallucination.†On Success Much of who Edison was as a person can be attributed to his relationship with his mother. As a child, Edison was considered slow by his teachers, but his mother was very diligent education and would home-school him when his public school teachers had given up. She taught her son more than just facts and numbers. She taught him how to learn and how to be a critical, independent and creative thinker. There are no rules here, were trying to accomplish something.When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this, you havent.What you are will show in what you do.â€Å"Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.†â€Å"I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world.†â€Å"Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have.†Advice for Future Generations Interestingly enough, Edison had a vision for how he foresaw a prosperous future. The quotes in this section are practical, profound and even prophetic. We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using Natures inexhaustible sources of energy--sun, wind and tide. Id put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we dont have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.The most necessary task of civilization is to teach people how to think. It should be the primary purpose of our public schools. The mind of a child is naturally active, it develops through exercise. Give a child plenty of exercise, for body and brain. The trouble with our way of educating is that it does not give elasticity to the mind. It casts the brain into a mold. It insists that the child must accept. It does not encourage original thought or reasoning, and it lays more stress on memory than observation.The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.Non-violence l eads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.â€Å"I am proud of the fact that I never invented weapons to kill.†There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility Free Essays
Corporate Social Responsibility Being a company that prospers is very much different than a company that is consistently following a guided work ethic while making revenue. Companies these days may participate in under the table schemes or anything to make that extra buck. Very a few industries willingly follow corporate social responsibility. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility or any similar topic only for you Order Now Corporate social responsibility (which will now be referred to as CSR) is a business firm’s intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society. Dell Inc. is a showcase example of companies that oblige by CSR. Not only do they willingly do right by others, they were named Newsweek’s 2010 Greenest Company in America. Almost everything they use from building to shipping is completely recyclable. They ship and package everything in material made out of bamboo called â€Å"mushroom packaging. †This sort of packaging is very durable and has the density to protect any heavy items in need of shipping. Mushroom packaging is very unique in the sense that it is grown and not manmade. Not only are they environment friendly in their use of the highly compostable mushroom packaging, they also give back. Dell knows how important it is to donate to charity and they want to create a relationship with whom they are donating money to. As stated in the article, â€Å"Trisa Thompson, VP of Corporate Responsibility, offered that making a determination about which charitable, non-profit organizations to work with internationally must be undertaken with great care†¦.. ‘These are long-term relationships, not short-term, and need to be entered into carefully and with sufficient due diligence. ’†Dell likes to donate 1% of all pre-tax revenue to charities that support children and education. This company truly understands what it means to be successful. Rather than classifying successful as a company that earns substantial net income, they also put emphasis on using their power and money into making the world a better place. CSR is something every single company should take interest in but some CEO’s just don’t care for lack of a better word. They want to keep every penny for themselves. Cited Source 1) http://businessexecution. wordpress. com/2011/09/06/dell-issues-2011-corporate-social-responsibility-report/ How to cite The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Sharias Case free essay sample
Would these concepts and procedures be applied differently in shari’a compliance audits compared to conventional financial statement audits? Explain. These concepts and procedures would be applied differently in shari’a compliance audits compared to conventional financial statement audits because it will affect the SSB and other oversight bodies that are charged with making initial decisions on which economic ventures, contracts, transactions and other business practices are shari’a compliant. ) Do you believe that the proposal to merge shari’a compliance audits with financial statement audits is feasible? Yes, there are many arguments that support that this merge between shari’a compliance audits and financial statement audits is possible: the effectiveness of the shari’a compliance function is being undercut by the lack of formal training in auditing concepts and auditing methodologies on the part of the religious scholars principally respo nsible for that function. ) Do you agree with the assertion that accounting can lead to perceptions of reality? Explain. We will write a custom essay sample on Sharias Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In deciding whether to adopt a proposed accounting standard, should accounting rule making bodies consider whether that standard might induce socially irresponsible behavior on the part of economic decision makers? Islam accepts the fact that accounting is a social construction and itself constructs social reality but this social reality which the accounting constructs must conform to the dictates of Islamic belief. A rule making body issues authorative shari’a auditing standards for all Islamic banks and other Islamic businesses and it will be the most effective way to eliminate problems within the Islamic economy. The most effort to develop a body of consistent standards for shari’a audits has been undertaken by the accounting and auditing organization for Islamic financial institutions (AAOIFI). 4) Identify the key challenges that the big four firms will likely face in their efforts to establish a major presence in the Islamic banking industry. The role of the external auditor to Islamic financial institutions requires a different skill set and experience to that possessed by some accounting organizations. * Issuing a marketing brochure that identifies the wide range of professional services the firm could offer Islamic banks. * Meeting the needs of Islamic financial institutions across national boundaries. * Leading providers of professional accounting, auditing, and consulting services to the Islamic finance sector. * Hiring an Islamic religious scholar. * Offering shari’a audit services.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Project Proposal for Financing a Franchise Acquisition
Executive Summary This project proposal is presented to source for financing of opening of a Papa John’s franchise. The proposal includes a critical analysis of all the estimated costs, scheduling and justification. These costs are matched against the forecasted revenues from the projects over a five years period.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Project Proposal for Financing a Franchise Acquisition specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The completion of acquisition of Papa John’s franchise will grant the franchisee the exclusive rights to operate the business of making and distributing pizzas under the Papa John’s franchise. The acquisition of this franchise will see the operations begin in less than a month. This is because the Papa John has an offer of up to $50,000.00 worth of free equipment upon acquisition of the franchise rights and signing of the agreement. The rest of the major costs w ill be leasing of a building which is readily available. Other operational costs are incurred once the business in running and these can be met by the working capital float. The process of acquiring the franchise rights will take up to a maximum of two weeks and operations can begin in a month’s time once the funds are availed and the materials and equipment are in the premises. The expected revenue of this business is $600,000.00 in the first year in the most optimistic scenario, $500,000.00 in the most probable scenario, and $400,000.00 in the most pessimistic scenario. The revenues are expected to grow at a rate of 10% per year for at least the next ten years. The fixed costs are predicted to be about $600,000.00 in the first year and then dropping to $200,000 per year for the next foreseeable future. The other variable costs are estimated to be about $100,000.00 per year afterwards. Having all this information, the proposal, therefore, seeks financing for the establishmen t of the restaurant franchise. Introduction This proposal is submitted with the intention of sourcing for the financing of the acquisition of Papa John’s franchise. Papa John’s Pizza is a restaurant that has been in the business of making and distributing pizzas for the last two and half decades. Making pizza from better ingredients has been Papa John’s commitment since the first day of the opening of the first restaurant.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has resulted in one of the best quality pizzas in the world. The brand has consequently grown to be the favorite among many consumers. As such, Papa John is seeking to expand the brand presence to possibly all the countries of the world. This franchise is intended to be opened in a small town of Glenwood springs, Colorado. Currently, the town has no pizza outlet yet residents are great consumers of pizzas. The completion of this franchise acquisition will see the franchise acquiring the first mover advantage and take an estimated 90% of the pizza consumers in the city. This will go a long way in establishing a strong goodwill in among the town residents. Customer Deliverables Papa John’s pizza has a quality proposition to the customer: â€Å"making quality pizza using better ingredients.†This dedication to the quality of the product ensures that customers are attracted to the products of the company and subsequently, customer loyalty is gained. The customers can also expect a twenty four hour home delivery service. The customer is always the major focus in any profit making business. This is because the customer consumes the products and without the customer, no company would exist. This realization of the importance of customers has compelled Papa John to have a mission that is customer focused. The consumption of the pizzas from the restaurant will not only benefit the business owner but will also contribute to the social welfare of the Glenwood springs community. This is because the franchise has a â€Å"5% profit apportionment to the society†policy. This will, therefore, ensure that good external relations are created and maintained between the company and the community around it. Project Objective statement The main objective of this project is to open a Papa John’s franchise restaurant in Glenwood town, Colorado. This is aimed at capturing the consumer market in the town while delivering superior quality pizzas. The franchise will also offer employment opportunities for around one hundred people once it is fully operational. Since this will be the first pizza delivering restaurant in town, the revenues are estimated with a high degree of accuracy. A recent market study indicates that an opening of a pizza restaurant in the town would certainly be a viable business venture with a success degree of 95%. The financing of this project would therefore ensure that the opportunity available in the market is exploited.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Project Proposal for Financing a Franchise Acquisition specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Franchise success criteria Papa John’s franchise restaurant, being a private profit motivated business will have its success measured on a number of scales. The most important success scale is having a positive Net Present Value after the first five years upon which the project financing is sought. Net Present value is a finance appraisal technique that discounts the future cash flows of a project (Don, Richard, Steve, John, 2002). If the Net Present value is more than zero, the project is acceptable and its chances of success are higher than when it has been below zero. The other success measure used to appraise the project is the projected revenues. The project needs to operate at leas t under the most probable scenario so as to ensure that the profits earned offset the costs incurred and having residual funds as profits. This is highly achieved by ensuring that operational measures put in place are adhered to as well as ensuring rigorous marketing activities. The other success criteria used is the controllability of costs. The costs to be incurred by the project ought to be estimated with a high degree of accuracy. This will ensure that the chances of contingent expenses are reduced. Costs play a major role in appraising the success of the project since the profits margins can be estimated with a high degree of certainty. As such, the estimated costs will offer insightful information about the success possibility of the business. The final success criteria used is the adaptability to the environment. A business usually operates under two environments: internal and external. The internal environment includes all the factors that contribute to the organization†™s service delivery. They include resources, both tangible and intangible, processes, structure and the organizational culture. The internal environment is important in formulating business strategy since it consists of factors that are controllable by the management. The external environment consists of those remote factors which are outside the control of the company.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As such, the company must ensure it crafts its strategy that will ensure that it fits within the external environment (Geoff, 1996). Papa John’s restaurant will, therefore, be regarded successful in this regard if manages to take advantage of the opportunities presented while avoiding the threats that the environment presents. Capital cost Estimates The capital expenses for this project involves leasing building, equipments and other assets such as motor vehicles. The following table gives the breakdown of the fixed costs for the five years: Period lease equipment Motor vehicles Franchise fees totals year 1 300,000 100,000 150,000 50,000 600,000 year 2 100,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 200,000 year 3 100,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 200,000 year 4 100,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 200,000 year 5 100,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 200,000 Cost estimation techniques The cost estimation technique used in this project is the Method of Moments. This is a project costs estimation techn ique that expresses the different costs associated with the various cost items (Quentin Joel, 2010). The advantage of this method of estimation is that the total project costs are assumed to follow a normal distribution based on central limit theorem. The method is helpful in deriving the contingency from the normal distribution. This can be helpful in tracking the areas where costs were over incurred or under incurred (Quentin Joel, 2010). This is useful in the future funding of the projects. Using this cost estimation the following table analyses the different cost items as a percentage of the total costs. Fixed Costs percentage costs Lease 700000 26% Equipment 300000 11% Motor vehicles 250000 9% Others 150000 6% variable costs salaries 150000 6% costs of goods sold 1000000 37% Administration expenses 150000 6% total costs 2700000 100% Cost Analysis The above projects costs have been divided into two different classifications: fixed and varia ble costs. The fixed costs consist of lease, equipment, motor vehicle and contingent. The allocation of a total of $700,000 on lease for the five years comes from the need for premises that will not only host the restaurant but also the offices. The amount allocated for lease is 26% of the total project costs. This is a desirable fraction of the total costs since building of a new plant or purchasing a building would push the costs high. The lease requirements state that the first year the amount needed will be $300,000 which will fall to $ 100,000.00 per year for the next five years. Equipment takes up 11% of the total costs of the project. This is due to the various purchases of the new equipment for the restaurant in addition to the $ 50,000.00 worth of equipment given for free by the franchisor upon signing the agreement. The equipment costs are justifiable since the company recovers the full amount spent on capital expenses through the capital tax allowances while submitting th e income tax. Motor vehicles will be used as the premium means of transport for both the raw materials and the products. The initial costs will, therefore, be $150,000.00 and then drop to $25,000.00 per year for the next four years. An analysis of the variable costs indicates that the project’s variable costs majorly consist of salaries, cost of goods sold, and administrative expenses. These expenses are, therefore, justifiable since they are pegged on the projected output for the five years. The largest percentages of costs come from the cost of goods sold. This comes from the purchases and the support activities that bring the product to a consumable state. Cost Assumptions Cost assumption is an important aspect of any cost estimation report. It helps understand the rationale under which the costs were arrived at. Cost estimation also gives a clear interpretation of how the costs were arrived at during the preparation of the projects costs (Nicholas Herman, 2008). There ar e different cost assumptions that exist for different cost scenarios. The most common cost assumptions are that the costs always follow a linear format. This is an assumption that seeks to streamline the change in the costs over the different periods under which the project is to be appraised. In the Papa John’s restaurant franchise financing proposal, there are several cost assumptions that have led to the nature of cost estimates. The first assumption is that the costs will follow a linear distribution over the five years provided. This assumption typically means that over the next five years the costs are expected to remain unchanged. This assumption, however, has several limitations including the fact that in real practice, costs cannot be the same over different periods. This is because of the different market conditions that require firms to spend on the unseen up-comings. This weakness is, however, catered for by the provision of the contingency costs which come under others. The next cost assumption is that the fixed costs will remain the same for the different cost items over the five years. This assumption helps in having a consistent cash flow that can easily be appraised. This assumption is, therefore, a desirable assumption since it helps in having visual appraisal of the projects without having the need of doing extensive detailed report. There is an assumption that the salaries will remain constant over the next five years. This assumption, therefore, means that the employees will either receive constant pay for the five year period without the possibility of salaries additions or the work force may be reduced as the business gets less labor-intensive thus reducing the number of workers and increasing their pay. Project Appraisal Project appraisal is a financial activity that is carried to evaluate the feasibility of an intended project (Linn, 1981). The most common methods of project appraisals are the discounted cash flows methods which include the Net Present value (NPV), the IRR, and the profitability index. The method used in this case in the Net Present Value. This method is used in all three possible scenarios: the optimistic, the most probable and the pessimistic. Net present value (the most optimistic) Papa John Restaurant PERIOD CASH FLOW Investment cash outflow Revenues net cash flows Pvif 12% PV 0 400,000 -400,000 1 -400,000 1 460,000 600,000 140,000 0.8929 125,006 2 460,000 660,000 200,000 0.7972 159,440 3 460,000 726,000 266,000 0.7118 189,339 4 460,000 798,600 338,600 0.6355 215,180 5 460,000 878,460 418,460 0.5674 237,434 TOTAL 0 2,700,000 NPV 526,399 Here the Net present value of the project is positive and therefore the project acceptable. Net Present Value (most probable scenario) Papa John Restaurant PERIOD CASH FLOW Investment cash outflow Revenues net cash flows Pvif 12% PV 0 400,000 -400,000 1 -400,000 1 460,000 500,00 0 40,000 0.8929 35,716 2 460,000 550,000 90,000 0.7972 71,748 3 460,000 605,000 145,000 0.7118 103,211 4 460,000 665,500 205,500 0.6355 130,595 5 460,000 732,050 272,050 0.5674 154,361 TOTAL 0 2,700,000 NPV 95,631 The most probable scenario results in a positive NPV as well. This is, however, less than that of the most optimistic scenario. Net Present Value (the pessimistic scenario) Papa John Restaurant PERIOD CASH FLOW Investment cash outflow Revenues net cash flows Pvif 12% PV 0 400,000 -400,000 1 -400,000 1 460,000 400,000 -60,000 0.8929 -53,574 2 460,000 440,000 -20,000 0.7972 -15,944 3 460,000 484,000 24,000 0.7118 17,083 4 460,000 532,400 72,400 0.6355 46,010 5 460,000 585,640 125,640 0.5674 71,288 TOTAL 0 2,700,000 NPV -335,136 The scenario above shows the expected outcome if the franchise fails in the market. This shows a negative net present value of $ -335,136.00. This scenario shows that if t he expected revenues turn out as indicated, the project is not feasible. However, the project has a positive NPV from the most probable scenario and should, therefore, be considered for acceptance. In appraising the above project, the cost of capital is set at 12%. This is because it is the required rate of return that money lenders are willing to earn as return to their cash lent out or invested. This discounting rate has been used in all possible scenarios. Project Schedule The project is divided into two stages: the pre-take off stake and the business stage. The first stage indicates the resources and inputs needed to ensure that the restaurant starts up while the second stage shows the timelines set for the restaurant to become fully operational. WBS Code Milestone Start Date Finish Date 1.1.5 sourcing of financing 01/24/2012 02/06/2012 1.2.5 Application of franchise agreement 02/06/2012 02/08/2012 Business License application 02/08/2012 02/10/2012 Purchase of equipment 02/14/2012 02/18/2012 installation and testing 02/19/2012 02/19/2012 Employees recruitment 02/25/2012 02/29/2012 start of operations 03/01/2012 03/03/2012 References Don, D., Richard, I., Steve, H., John, H. (2002). Capital Budgeting: Financial Appraisal of Investment Projects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Geoff, R. (1996). Programme Management Demystified: Managing Multiple Projects Successfully. London: E FN Spon. Linn, C. S. (1981). The Implementation of Project Management: The Professional’s Handbook. Los Angeles: Addison-Wesley. Nicholas, J. M., Herman, S. (2008). Project Management for Business, Engineering, and Technology Principles and Practice. Amsterdam: Elseivier Butterworth-Heinemann. Quentin, W. F., Joel, H. K. (2010). Earned Value Project Management. London: Project Management Insitute. This proposal on Project Proposal for Financing a Franchise Acquisition was written and submitted by user Barbara Abbott to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Bowhead Whale Facts
Bowhead Whale Facts The bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) got its name from its high, arched jaw that resembles a bow. They are a cold-water whale that lives in the Arctic. Bowheads are still hunted by native whalers in the Arctic through special permission for aboriginal subsistence whaling. Identification The bowhead whale, also known as the Greenland right whale, is about 45-60 feet long and weighs 75-100 tons when full-grown. They have a stocky appearance and no dorsal fin. Bowheads are mostly blue-black in coloration, but have white on their jaw and belly, and a patch on their tail stock (peduncle) that gets whiter with age. Bowheads also have stiff hairs on their jaws. The flippers of a bowhead whale are broad, paddle-shaped and about six feet long. Their tail can be 25 feet across from tip to tip. The bowheads blubber layer is over 1 1/2 feet thick, which provides insulation against the cold waters of the Arctic. Bowheads can be individually identified using scars on their bodies that they get from ice. These whales are capable of breaking through several inches of ice to get to the water surface. An Interesting Discovery In 2013, a study described a new organ in bowhead whales. Amazingly, the organ is 12 feet long and wasnt yet described by scientists.  The organ is located on the roof of a bowhead whales mouth and is made of a sponge-like tissue. It was discovered by scientists during the processing of a bowhead whale by natives. They think that it is used to regulate heat, and possibly for detecting prey and regulating baleen growth. Read more here. Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Mammalia Order: Cetartiodactyla Infraorder: Cetacea Superfamily: Mysticeti Family: Balaenidae Genus: Balaena Species: mysticetus Habitat Distribution The bowhead is a cold-water species, living in the Arctic Ocean and surrounding waters. Click here for a range map. The largest and most well-studied population is found off Alaska and Russia in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.  There are additional populations between Canada and Greenland, north of Europe, in the Hudson Bay and Okhotsk Sea. Feeding Bowhead whales are a baleen whale, meaning they filter their food. Bowheads have about 600 baleen plates that are up to 14 feet long, illustrating the immense size of the whales head. Their prey includes planktonic crustaceans such as copepods, plus small invertebrates and fish from the seawater. Reproduction The bowheads breeding season is in late spring/early summer. Once mating occurs, the gestation period is 13-14 months long, after which a single calf is born. At birth, calves are 11-18 feet long weigh about 2,000 pounds. The calf nurses for 9-12 months and isnt sexually mature until it is 20 years old. The bowhead is considered one of the worlds longest-living animals, with evidence showing some bowheads may live to over 200 years. Conservation Status and Human Uses The bowhead whale is listed as species of least concern on the IUCN Red List, as the population is increasing. However, the population, currently estimated at 7,000-10,000 animals, is far lower than the estimated 35,000-50,000 whales that existed before they were decimated by commercial whaling. Whaling of bowheads started in the 1500s, and only about 3,000 bowheads existed by the 1920s. Due to this depletion, the species is still listed as endangered by the U.S. Bowheads are still hunted by native Arctic whalers, who use the meat, baleen, bones and organs for food, art, household goods, and construction. Fifty-three whales were taken in 2014. The International Whaling Commission issues subsistence whaling quotas to the U.S. and Russia to hunt bowheads. References and Further Information: American Cetacean Society. Bowhead Whale Fact Sheet. Accessed June 25, 2010.International Whaling Commission. Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Catches Since 1985. Accessed March 23, 2016.NOAA Fisheries: National Marine Mammal Laboratory. Bowhead Whales, Accessed March 23, 2016.NOAA. Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus). (Online) NOAA Fisheries: Office of Protected Resources. Accessed June 25, 2010.Reilly, S.B., Bannister, J.L., Best, P.B., Brown, M., Brownell Jr., R.L., Butterworth, D.S., Clapham, P.J., Cooke, J., Donovan, G.P., Urbn, J. Zerbini, A.N. 2008. Balaena mysticetus. (Online) IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.1. . Accessed on 25 June 2010.Rozell, Ned. 2001. Bowhead Whales May Be the Worlds Oldest Mammals. Alaska Science Forum, February 15, 2001. Accessed June 25, 2010.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Thrasymachus and Justice in Plato's Political Philosophy Research Paper
Thrasymachus and Justice in Plato's Political Philosophy - Research Paper Example Distinguished sophist of ancient Greece Thrasymachus has elucidated the term justice while entering into discussion on the same topic with great philosopher Socrates, which has been elaborated by Socrates’ renowned disciple Plato in his Republic. Book I of the Republic encompasses the debate between Thrasymachus and Socrates, where the former makes two assertions about justice. At first, he declares the notion as mere the ‘advantage of the strong over the weak’; and secondly he views justice as ‘submitting to the prevailing statutes of the state law.’ (Hourani, 111) The powerful governments, according to Thrasymachus, strive to implement their policies by dint of the force they enjoy in comparison with the weaker states; consequently, the policy is expected to be observed and followed by all the weak nations. As a result, it becomes the law, which is unconditionally and unanimously imitated by all. Consequently, it is equally beneficial for the weaker due to the very reality that it would be obeyed by all the weak without discrimination, and hence will become a law for all individuals. The sophist also argues that justice imposes unnecessary restrains on the human desires, and thus it does not turn out to be advantageous for the majority of the people in general. Hence, on the one side, Thrasymachus defines justice as the exploitation of the weak individual(s) or stratum at the hands of the powerful; and on the other side, he declares it as the abiding of the uniform law, which looks at everyone on the foundations of equality and impartiality. Thus, stronger group signifies the elite or ruling stratum of society, while the weak can be compared to the masses at large. Since the stronger stratum not only articulates the rules and laws, but also abides the same rules it has devised for all, these statutes of law are supportive for the protection of the rights of the weaker too. Somehow, Socrates points out contradiction in the very definition of justice Thrasymachus has developed. Consequently, it invites criticism from Socrates because of the contradiction it contains in its very scope. Socrates, during his cross examination of the very arguments made by Thrasymachus, vehemently refutes the validity of his viewpoint. He is of the opinion that since the individuals, even from the strong and ruling classes, are humans, and hence can make mistakes, they cannot be expected to devise error free laws, policies and strategies. On the other hand, even their most sincere efforts can maintain flaws and mistakes while devising the laws; so these statutes, in the form of advantages and privileges for the stronger, are unable to present the real picture of justice in their nature and scope. Somehow, Thrasymachus counters Socrates’ objection by stating that the rulers are free from making errors or committing mistakes till they are at the helm of the power. And even if they commit they same, there is no one to chal lenge or point out their mistakes till they are enjoying the position of rulers. In other words, the weaker strata do not have the power to put even the incorrect rules into jeopardy. Consequently, they remain as the laws of the country till the individuals, introducing the same, are in the power. (Bloom, 25) Being one of the greatest logicians the world has ever produced, Socrates could not submit to the Thrasymachus’ claim that rules and laws are devised for the benefit of the rulers only. On the other hand, he clarifies his objection with the example that the artwork is created for the consumers and public, and not for the use of the artisan. Similarly, the shopkeeper involves into trade and merchandise by bringing commodities for the people. It is therefore, justice carries advantages for the common man at first, and hence cannot be attributed to the dominant political group only. Socrates also cites the professional abilities and proficiencies of the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Migration in America Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Migration in America - Research Paper Example Native American Migrations Although we started the topic with that of immigrant population, when considering the influential ethnic groups in the country it is only right to start with the natives of the country itself, the American Indians. In the early nineteenth century the native tribes of America were mostly concentrated in the agriculturally rich lands down south, west of the Mississippi river. As the United States starting growing in population and economic status, many of the white European settlers started moving towards the south in search of land and abundance. The native settlers proved an obstacle to the white dominion of the land and subsequently between the years 1814 to the 1824, the native settlers were driven out of their homes. As a result of various treaties that were signed between the United States Government and the natives, they had to forfeit their ownership of their native lands, by virtue of the â€Å"right of occupancy†policy adopted by the then Un ited States Government and, settle for lands further west. Some left willingly as a means of buying peace while other tribes fought for their freedom and stayed back in their lands. Subsequently after many wars the Indians spread their tribes in faraway lands and forced to sell themselves to slavery. Today the Native American tribes live in government-sponsored reservations governed by their respective tribal heads and have undergone some urbanization. This migration is however not one effected by want for better economic conditions but is a forced migration. Therefore from a relative viewpoint, it has not effected much economic growth since the Native Americans still continue to be a minority population in the country. African American Migrations The history of slavery in America started in the year 1808 and brought many of African ethnicity from different regions across the Atlantic as slaves to places like Oklahoma and the agrarian states down south of the Mississippi. Some other s who escaped slavery moved to other parts along the coast. The slaves formed small communities and made their homes near their wealthy white masters, as they did not have any other means of survival. After the civil war and the abolition of slavery however the African American community started growing roots down south. Racial tension and discrimination in a white dominated society gave vent to the Great Migration between the years 1810 to 1830. The oppressed slaves fled from their homes in search of freedom as well as livelihood in other parts in the Midwest like Chicago, North East like New York and New Jersey and far West like Los Angeles and San Francisco. Subsequent migrations in 1840 saw the African American population spreading themselves to other parts of the country. However most of the African American population still longed for their homes down. Thus when the Civil Rights Act was passed, most African Americans migrated back to their homes with dreams of better economic and social conditions. The result of the first migrations saw great urbanization amongst the African Americans and in conditions which were less if not completely non-discriminatory. However with the new economic climate there is a trend of reverse migration back to south in search of lower cost of living and less pressures of urban life. The migratory pattern of the African American population is therefore driven by cultural and economic condition
Monday, January 27, 2020
Has Fitness Plus Reached Its Capacity Commerce Essay
Has Fitness Plus Reached Its Capacity Commerce Essay Fitness Initial stands out as the most substantial independently owned or operated fitness center business across the world with much more than 540 branches globally achieving much more than 1.4 million normal members throughout 19 nations. Within the united kingdom solely youll discover 161 clubs of Fitness Initial with much more than 425,000 members. Within the year of 2005, organization ended up being bought by Partners of BC Partners, an EU non-public equity group of businesses. Within the country like Australia, Fitness Initial acquired much more than a wide selection of Residing Well Lady locations really owned and operated by Hilton Group. Additionally, It made the acquisition of chain of healthclubes, 11-gym Healthland and right now possess in excess of eighty fitness centers throughout Australia. Its behind the worldwide International Fitness Week campaign to encourage much more individuals to discover what fitness regime works for them. The campaign uses former Spice Girl Mel B as the face of International Fitness Week Subsequent consist of the unique routines supplied by Fitness Plus, within their own possible : Fitness Routines à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Exercise region à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Free excercise weights à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Training region à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cardiovascular workout room (9 stair steppers, 6 treadmills, 6 life-cycle bikes, three airdyne bikes, 2 cross-aerobics machines, 2 rowing machines, and 1 climber) Recreation Activities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Racquetball (8 courts) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Tennis (6 courts) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Outdoor pool à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ City sports teams (softball, volleyball, and swim teams) Relaxation Activities à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Yoga classes (2/week in aerobics room) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Whirlpool tubs (1/locker room) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Trained massage therapist Hours of Operation Monday via Thursday 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Capacity Presumptions Concentrate to the possible choice will most likely be about a couple of aspects of client issues: exercise, cardio exercise, also as nautilus areas. Restrictions ought to be positioned on utilisation on these locations simply because of maximum customer desire, as represented here. This provides a way of measuring in number of members utilizing the health club per hour with regard to capacity scheduling. A essential component of total capacity organising for this case would be to observe that the maximum demand is really about 3 hours each day. Furthermore, a issue that creates capacity organizing much more complex tends to be that a single member will use all of these region which are extremely demanded, and could make use of an region much more frequently than once. Maximum Demand The maximum demand details are supplied on the purpose of looking at trouble spots also as maximum usage of particular precise regions of this facility. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Exercise = 35 members per hour in a 1 class. We tend to believe that hardly any members is going to finish a number of exercises class. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cardio exercise = 58 members per hour in which the machines are tied to half an hour for every member simply because you will find 29 machines. Nevertheless, observe that a single member could use a number of machine, which tends to make the maximum demand capacity organizing much more complex. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Nautilus = 48 member per hour, lets assume that region is not unfilled at the begin of the maximum demand, the users of the health club move at stable rate and in pattern, 24 machine are utilized by members which is in timeframe is use of 1 minute per machine, a couple of hanging around and activity among areas. We have to make supposition that generally completely no member uses any piece of machines ; on the other hand, a member may make use of a handful of pieces and come correct out of the sequence. Assessment So it appears apparant that club areas of aerobics, cardiovascular, and nautilus could effortlessly accommodate peak demand, if the room limitations are adhered-to utilizing employee monitoring. But you will find complaints. The suspected reason for this is that members use much more than 1 region of the club. Moreover, its likely that members visiting much more than 1 region throughout their workout heavily use the aerobics, cardiovascular, and nautilus areas. Numerous members might also workout for much more than 1 hour. Measurement Technique The issue identified is capacity, and being that Fitness Plus is really a flexible flow procedure, i.e., members select their own workouts, input measures are being utilized. At the present time and with the present flow of members, Fitness Plus has big periods of operating near peak capacity in multiple areas. This is causing flow problems, such as bottlenecking within the much more well-liked workout areas. Members are utilizing much more than 1 region of the fitness center throughout every go to, but theres a lack of information to depict actual usage of these areas. For instance, we know that approximately 80 mph enter the fitness center throughout our 3 peak hours, but we dont know which areas the members go to specifically. As a result, the fitness center intends to measure use of the 3 issue areas (aerobics, cardio, nautilus) throughout the peak three-hour period. Members will utilize their membership card to enter and leave all areas of the center. The average utilization of every region will probably be computed and also the outcomes will probably be depicted in a chart, like the attached example Figure three. This will show actual usage throughout peak hours of the fitness center. Measurement ought to be over a fairly short time period since member complaints have recently increased. Some action is required within the short-term. Key Indicators Particular key indicators have been identified based on case info, which outcomes in a capacity forecast approach. Indicators consist of: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ External Leading Indicators à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Coincident Indicators à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lagging Indicators The measurement technique for the key indicators offers a technique for every also as other choices for analysis. The measurement methods for every key indicator consist of: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ External Leading Indicators = Causal Forecasting à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Coincident Indicators = Time-Series Analysis à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Lagging Indicators = Time-Series Analysis The key indicator information and measurement methods are also depicted in Figure 4. 2. Which capacity technique would be suitable for Fitness Plus? Justify your answer. In a short time period, fitness initial has to ascertain the requirements and requirements of the possible clients, and endeavour to satisfy mismatch between those requirements and present offerings. To improve the existing dealings and accomplishment of todays requirements, directed study will probably be finalized. This will take account of: gathering real control information of equipment and rooms, bringing on innovation and ideas from operatives, market study, service plan study, effectual time table, and enhanced defensive upholding of equipment and also the service facility as a entire. 1. PROBLEM: The capacity of the fitness club, mostly within the Nautilus, cardiovascular, and aerobics fitness areas, is insufficient to meet demand. 2. RECOMMENDED Answer: Construct an extra facility. three. ANALYSIS OF Feasible SOLULTIONS: (A) Do nothing. Growth has increased the average number of members checking in at the existing fitness club to 25 members per hour in 2000. Nevertheless, complaints from members about overcrowding and unavailability of equipment could lead to dissatisfied members terminating their membership and possibly joining an additional club. If the growth continues, the number of complaints and dissatisfied members ought to improve. Do nothing isnt a great answer. (B) Extend company hours. The club is currently open 101 hours per week. Growing the number of open hours could spread out the number of clients throughout the day. Nevertheless, peak times will still exist and continue to produce complaints. Extending company hours isnt a great answer. (C) Expand the capacity of the facility. (See attached calculation sheet) The average number of members arriving per hour varies a great deal between the slow periods and peak times. The capacity cushion in 1995 was an 83%. Theres no mention of complaining throughout this time. The capacity cushion in 2000 is 72%. Present capacity measured as inputs for the Nautilus, cardiovascular, and aerobics fitness areas is 88 members per hour. To get an 83% capacity cushion like in 1995, with an average flow of 25 members per hour of year 2000, the capacity would need to be increased to 147 members per hour. Unique consideration ought to focus on the cardiovascular region where demand is over capacity at peak times. Simply because of the limited quantity of land at the present facility, expansion from 88 to 147 members per hour is most likely not feasible. (D) Build an extra facility. The resurgence of activity within the downtown region has brought increased population and new companies. Fitness club competition already exists within the downtown market. Nevertheless, members are still coming to Fitness Plus with the overcrowding and unavailability of machines with competing fitness clubs only 10-15 minutes away. Some members should prefer the services of Fitness Plus over the competition. Building an extra facility the exact same size as the present facility would double the capacity of Fitness Plus within the region. Building a new Fitness Plus club downtown will encourage a few of the present members who are closer to downtown to begin utilizing the new location. Building an extra facility will put Fitness Plus in a growing market, take a few of the strain off the present facility by growing capacity and decrease the number of dissatisfied clients. 4. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS: The perfect capacity cushion for the Fitness Plus facility with a capacity of 88 might not be 83%. The 83% capacity cushion was utilized within the calculations simply because there was no mention of member complaints in 1995. The perfect capacity cushion might be somewhere between the 83% in 1995 and also the 72% in 2000. If the perfect capacity cushion is lower than 83%, the capacity would have to be increased but not as a lot as the 147 within the calculations. Extra info would be required to discover the perfect capacity cushion. Fitness Plus requirements to produce greater value for activities and services which are not being utilized to efficient capacity. Ideas will probably be generated from the employees to make certain that theres buy-in from the top level down. Employees are dealing with clients everyday on a much more personal level. They might be able to assess what the facility is missing to satisfy a greater quantity of clients. Study will probably be carried out to make particular that changing customer requirements are identified. You will find two new competitors that have opened fitness centers within 15 minutes of Fitness Plus, and every facility caters to a various clientele. 1 caters to a young adult crowd, not allowing kids under 16 to access the facilities, and also the other concentrates on weight and cardiovascular training only. Taking this into account, Fitness Plus has the capability to satisfy extra customer requirements with the present facility offerings. Fitness Plus has a waiting line issue thats resulting in bottlenecks. The service system has multiple lines along with a mixed arrangement of facilities involving clients with individual service requirements. The present priority rule is first-come, first-served. Fitness Plus will have to calculate both the arrival and service time distributions. To complete the waiting line analysis, Fitness Plus will also have to think about: 1. Line length both in terms of customer service and capacity 2. Number of clients in system related to efficiency and capacity three. Waiting time in line such as service rate and customer perceptions 4. Total time in system which might indicate issues with service, capacity or customer themselves 5. Service facility utilization keeping in mind total facility operating costs After analyzing the information collected via the monitoring, the outcomes might foster the development of a new layout for the facility. This layout might improve the space, equipment, and peak capacity of some areas, and decrease or eliminate other people. The focus of the facility might change to satisfy much more of the present customer base and to attract new clients which are searching for services which are not accessible at the competing locations. Additionally, Fitness Plus ought to think about alternatives to customer flow, like clients being assigned a designated time to use equipment throughout peak hours. This might be handled upon registration when entering the club. Members would have opportunity to take benefit of other, less-popular areas although they wait. They would then have a ten-minute window, based on their designated time, to return to the Nautilus or cardiovascular equipment for their workout. These members would also have a set time limit for their workouts on this equipment throughout peak times only. Other opportunities might be apparent within the scheduling of employees and aerobics classes. For aerobic class scheduling, a sign-up sheet or reservation system will assist to stop customer disappointments around full classes. A reservation system is also an outstanding tracking tool to figure out what classes are the most well-liked and what times are the most sought after. For employee scheduling, staggering employee shifts ought to be evaluated. Staggering shifts of staff will assist to eliminate excess staff members working at slow times. By concentrating on peak times, the customer will have much more personal interaction and attention from the staff, possibly improving their satisfaction. Creating a normal schedule for equipment maintenance will lower repair costs for Fitness Plus, but most of all, will maximize the availability of the equipment that clients are demanding. This will also have an indirect effect in growing both customer and employee morale and satisfaction (Al-Hassan, 2000). Fitness Plus will employ benchmarking of their competitors in an effort to discover from their successes and failures. Benchmarking is moving much more towards areas that reinforce the role of the employee within the success of the business like customer service, high quality, teamwork, communication and supplier relationships (Simpson, 2000). Analysis of outcomes will probably be completed to permit for adjustments of the objectives and improvement plan. In the long-term, Fitness Plus will have to think about expansion and figure out the optimum economies of scale to spread fixed costs, decrease construction costs, and identify procedure benefits. Present facilities limit the capacity cushion. As region population grows, Fitness Plus will have to expand to improve its capacity cushion. This will permit them to effectively deal with sudden increases in demand by its members. Average utilization rates ought to be maintained at a rate somewhat much less than 100 percent to steer clear of constant operation at peak capacity. The capacity cushions, both existing and required, are measured as 100 percent minus the utilization rate as a percentage: Capacity cushion = 100% Utilization rate (%) Utilization is equal to the average output rate divided by maximum capacity: Utilization = Average output rate x 100% Maximum capacity Simply because Fitness Plus capacity demand can vary considerably, itll have to think about a larger capacity cushion-possibly as a lot as 20%to maintain satisfactory customer service levels and sustain membership sales. Choice Inputs Before making its final choice on expansion, Fitness Plus will have to undertake four actions to arrive at the correct capacity choice. These actions consist of: 1. Estimate Capacity Requirements 2. Address Projected Demand versus Present Capacity three. Identify Capacity Alternative Choices 4. Evaluate Alternatives Identified Initial, estimated capacity requirements will probably be calculated for every region as follows: Number of machines needed = [Forecast # customers/year] x Customer time per machine hrs avail from machine per yr much less desired capacity cushion Setup time isnt a main factor within the customer workout procedure, and wont have to be included within the calculation. Next, Fitness Plus will have to identify gaps between projected demand and present capacity. This will probably be evident per the outcomes of member monitoring and analysis throughout short-term improvement procedure. Those areas with bottlenecks-Nautilus, cardiovascular and aerobics-will be the primary focus since overall capacity cant be expanded unless bottleneck operation is expanded. The third step would be to take a look at alternatives and identify a number of choices. In light of the present scenario, Fitness Plus has 3 long-term alternatives: 1. No expansion of existing facilities and wait to see what the market will bear within the future prior to making a choice on expansion 2. Minor expansion of existing facilities on the limited land accessible at the present website three. Major expansion to a second facility within the downtown region The final step would be to evaluate these alternatives based on both qualitative and quantitative terms, such as capacity technique, market competition, and financial analysis with price estimates and money flows. Simply because clients are already complaining and average capacity is running well above cushion, the initial alternative-no expansion-would most likely be eliminated. Fitness Plus is beyond the wait-and-see phase. Alternate two-minor expansion of the existing facility-is extremely limited because of the lack of land at the present location. Given the steady population improve and Fitness Plus only competition in full range workout services being the YMCA, alternative three-the expansionist strategy-may be the very best option. This capacity technique will maintain Fitness Plus ahead of customer demand. This will also limit the competitions abilities of expanding by growing their risk of overburdening the market with too a lot capacity. Fitness Plus will have to act rapidly to announce its long-term expansion plans to stop giving the competition the opportunity to do the exact same. Additionally, Fitness Plus runs the risk of over expansion, ought to the population improve level off or the fitness craze decrease. Plan Evaluation Fitness Plus implemented short-term improvements will probably be readily measurable by monitoring the number of customer complaints, the continued tracking of member usage of facility services, and also the new membership campaign in January. Assuming that Fitness Plus announces its main expansion plans-the new downtown facility-January membership will also be a gauge for that technique also. Fitness Plus will have to continue to observe population growth trends and region competition as it expands into this new market. Continued analysis of market capacity will probably be needed. three. How would you link the capacity choice being made by Fitness Plus to other kinds of operating decisions? Theres a random demand for the firms capacity in every period: the demand in excess of the capacity is lost, and revenue is generated for the fulfilled demand. At the beginning of every period, the firm may improve its capacity via buying equipment for immediate delivery, which is constrained by a random supply limit, or it may sign a future contract for equipment delivery within the following period. We assume that the firms capacity may partially turn out to be obsolete because of natural deterioration or technology innovation. We aim at characterizing optimal capacity expansion methods and comparing the profit functions also as the optimal control policies of various choices. Specifically, we show that the optimal capacity expansion policy for the present period is determined by a base-stock policy. Compared with the case where no future contracts are accessible, the optimal control parameters of capacity expansion are usually smaller. We further show that when the obsolescence ra te is deterministic, the optimal policy for capacity expansion via future contracts is also a base-stock kind. The outcomes are extended to the instances with stochastically dependent capacity supply limits and stochastically dependent demand processes, which establish the robustness of the optimal policy in numerous market conditions. Investment in capacity expansion remains 1 of the most critical decisions for a manufacturing organisation with global production facilities. Multiple elements have to be considered making the choice procedure extremely complex. The study discovered that theres a substantial quantity of work on development of mathematical multi-factor models for capacity expansion. Despite that, no single work captures all of the various facets of the issue. Since the early 1960s, numerous quantitative studies of capacity expansion issues have been conducted. Manne (1961) offers the initial and simplest models of capacity expansion with deterministic demand, single facility and infinite economic life. His book (Manne, 1967a) offers a description of numerous capacity expansion issues in which optimal location for every expansion is considered explicitly (Erlenkotter, 1967; Manne, 1967b). By the early 1980s, the capacity expansion literature evolved to consist of multiple problems and think about multiple facilities within the decision-making procedure. Luss (1982) points out that the typical objective was to minimise the discounted costs associated with the expansion procedure. Porter (1980), nevertheless, argued that the capacity expansion issue isnt as easy as just carrying out such analysis based on a couple of elements. Estimating the elements that influence a capacity expansion is really a subtle issue in business. Most of the recent work within the region of capacity expansion choice processes has focused on the advancement of computational methods (Syam, 2000) to solve various aspects of the issue based on various constraints and objectives. Some work has been carried out investigating soft elements (OBrien and Smith, 1993; Meijboom and Voordijk, 2003) yet no complete procedure has been put forward. Thus the challenge would be to develop a choice procedure that will capture leading thinking within the region and to expand this to consist of soft problems in capacity expansion in global manufacturing networks. Fitness Plus, Component B, explores alternatives to expanding a new downtown facility and is included within the Instructors Manual. If youre interested in this topic, ask your instructor for a preview.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
How Peace Can be Achieved Essay
Peace could possibly be achieved if all people on Earth became non-judgmental towards each other and accepted each other as equals. In addition, everyone’s spiritual beliefs, their faith, should be respected, whether they choose to believe in a higher power, or not. Believing in a higher power, in itself, does not guarantee peace because more people have been murdered in the name of God than for any other reason in all of historyPeace is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violent conflict and the freedom from fear of violence. Commonly understood as the absence ofhostility, peace also suggests the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationships, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, the establishment of equality, and a working political order that serves the true interests of all. In international relations, peacetime is not only the absence of war or violent conflict, but also the presence of positive and respectfu l cultural and economic relationships. Peace is something which is vastly misinterpreted and misrepresented in today’s world. Everyone has their own perceptions about it†¦out of which only a small portion actually come near in addressing ‘peace’. In my personal opinion peace isn’t just a cleaver way of showcasing your imposed superficial friendliness while brewing up violent tendencies from within !As is highlighted by India’s relations with Pakistan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦in formal terms we are at peace since the kargil war of 1999†¦.but reality rests in a completely different sphere. I believe peace is not just stopping wars†¦its something more†¦.it’s the victory of reality over virtual superiority, the realization that everyone in the world is nothing but equal. It means to give the due share of respect to everyone’s opinion and thinking before putting your ideas into action. It means forgetting all what happened in the past†¦ hoping and believing that a better day, a better future is possible. This world has seen so many of the traumatizing atrocities in its lifetime ,as we become aware of our mistakes in the past it becomes the duty of each of us as individuals and as youth to change all this and create a better place for our succeeding generations †¦and yes we can do it! I would begin this article with a story of an ancient Indian King who was obsessed with the desire to find the meaning of peace. What is peace and how can we get it and when we find it what should we do with it were some of the issues that bothered him. Intellectuals in his kingdom were invited to answer the King’s questions for a handsome reward. Many tried but none could explain how to find peace and what to do with it. At last someone said the King ought to consult the sage who lived just outside the borders of his Kingdom: â€Å"He is an old man and very wise,†the King was told. â€Å"If anyone can answer your questions he can.†The King went to the sage and posed the eternal question. Without a word the sage went into the kitchen and brought a grain of wheat to the King. â€Å"In this you will find the answer to your question,†the Sage said as he placed the grain of wheat in the King’s outstretched palm. Puzzled but unwilling to admit his ignorance the King clutched the grain of wheat and returned to his palace. He locked the precious grain in a tiny gold box and placed the box in his safe. Each morning, upon waking, the King would open the box and look at the grain to seek an answer but could find nothing. Weeks later another sage, passing through, stopped to meet the King who eagerly invited him to resolve his dilemma. The King explained how he had asked the eternal question and this sage gave him a grain of wheat instead. â€Å"I have been looking for an answer every morning but I find nothing.†The Sage said: â€Å"It is quite simple, your honor. Just as this grain represents nourishment for the body, peace represents nourishment for the soul. Now, if you keep this grain locked up in a gold box it will eventually perish without providing nourishment or multiplying. However, if it is allowed to interact with the elements – light, water, air, soil – it will flourish, multiply and soon you would have a whole field of wheat which will nourish not only you but so many others. This is the meaning of peace. It must nourish your soul and the souls of others, it must multiply by interacting with the elements.†Peace-a small word with a deeper meaning attached to it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦different interpretations, different perspectives and different understandings yet the meaning is one but for one’s own self. Setting a yardstick about what peace means to you is your own way of looking at it. When I hear this pure, magical word the first thing I see is a satisfied soul and not just a quiet that has prevailed. But when quiet prevails, it maybe for mourning a death or even remembering someone great or just a quiet night sleep. And as Oscar Romero says- Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. So peace implies as something quiet yet good-from within and for something outside†¦.. Stillness is one of the most important attribute of peace and not just it leads to a quiet environment around but makes us quiet from inside. To obtain this peace is not easy. There is a constant fight going on inside you†¦.. White versus Black, Good versus Evil and when we obtain control over our ourselves we can win this war. Consequently, when good prevails over evil within us, can we spread peace to our external elements. Peace comes from living in the moment and looking for the good in others. Peacefulness comes from facing our fears and letting them – trust that things will turn out all right. While it is true that the world has become so complex and so technologically oriented that individuals no longer believe that they count or that they can do anything to affect world events, it is precisely the oppos ite. For only when individuals take total responsibility for their own lives, find within themselves calm and power of ‘good’ and live in peace with their neighbors and environment, only then will forces be set in motion that will eventually bring about world peace. Nations go to war, often quoting peace as the reason. We must realize peace is a journey, not an end. Yet, in our efforts to obtain peace, we often do the most unpeaceful things. Instead of seeking inner peace, we seek to enforce peace on others. And that just doesn’t work. Peace is a gift you can give to others and to yourself. If you seek peace with a sincere heart, you can find it. Peace has the power to move mountains. Mahatma Gandhi had spread peace to the world and this was his power or else how could a frail man like him get India its freedom and Indians their rights. The quality of life depends not upon external development or material progress, but upon the inner development of peace and happiness. We all wish for world peace, but world peace will never be achieved unless we first establish peace within our own minds. Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible. We can send so-called ‘peacekeeping forces’ into areas of conflict, but peace cannot be imposed from the outside with guns. Only by creating peace within our own mind and helping others do the same can we hope to achieve peace in this world. We can see from this that if we want true, lasting happiness we need to develop and maintain a special experience of inner peace. The only way to do this is by gradually reducing and eliminating our negative, disturbed states of mind and replacing them with positive, peaceful states. Eventually, through continuing to improve our inner peace we will experience permanent inner peace, or ‘nirvana’. Once we have attained nirvana we will be happy throughout our life, and in life after life. When a baby is born, he is innocent and believed to be the purest form of god in this materialistic world and when he dies he ‘Rests in Peace’. The unpeacefulness is in betwee n these two stages of human life as he gets trapped in the materialistic trap of this world†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ So, look for peace in you and not when no two nations are at war, or when you are relaxed because you are your biggest challenge and once you win over the evil inside you, no matter whatever happens outside you, you will surely be peaceful†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. â€Å"There is no way to peace; peace is the way.†– MAHATMA GANDHI Peace is a term that most commonly refers to an absence of aggression, violence or hostility.peace such a beautiful word. A word that makes us feel relaxed thinking about those beautiful white doves.When we come to imagine it we see the best of both worlds.A place close to nature and a place where happiness i sthe environment.But that world seems to remain a dream now! We talk about global peace and hold terrorism as the culprit.But think. when we cannot even keep peace with our ownselves , how can we talk about peace at such huge levels? We fight with people , our loved ones for reasons completely unnecessary. It takes less than a second to burst out in anger, doesn’t it? There the irony lies. What we must learn as the first step towards peace is SELF PEACE.. inner peace refers to a state of mind, body and mostly soul, a peace within ourselves. People that experience inner peace say that the feeling is not dependent on time, people, place, or any external object or situation.When we learn to remain at peace with ourselves we will be at peace with the rest of the world. Now talking about peace at international levels.. We all know how terrorism threatens the very roots of peace. but that does not sem to be the only culprit. since the time nuclear weapons have arrived thw world has not seen peacve and never will unles we make a conscious effort to stop threatening the world with our nuclear power. The most important thing to remember when we talk about peace is love.Love and peace are inseparable.We cannot have one without the other.With love achieving peace becomes a cakewalk. Whether it is inner peace or peace anywhere across the globe, love is the basis. love yourself and you shall attian inner peace. love others and you shall be at peace with all. To achieve peace at the global level, we also give NOBEL PEACE PRIZE.The prize has often met with controversy, as it is occasionally awarded to people who have formerly sponsored war and violence but who have, through exceptional concessions, helped achieve peace. With the basic ideas of peace in mind and conscious efforts towards achieving it in our daily life ,I hope we achieve our aim of global peace one day. â€Å"When the power of love overcomes the love of power , the world will know peace.†What peace means to me†¦ In a country, Peace is a term that most commonly refers to an absence of aggression, violence or hostility. Peace isn’t the absence of violence but rather the presence of justice. In a society, peace happens when different desires are in one agreement. Peace is based on many things, culture, education, family values, experience, & history (to name a few) but the basis is the sameâ€â€-to co-exist without war, killing, & overpowering a fellow being. According to me, Peace is the feeling that all’s right with the world. When everyone around me in my family, my friend circle and my neighbourhood is happy, eager to love, accept and relate†¦ I feel at peace. Also, to me it means following what my heart says and sharing mutual trust and respect for people around me. However, in today’s world, peace and harmony face various threats. Terrorism, regional imbalance, economic disparity, and social inequality are some of the factors which threaten peace today. We all are so engrossed in our busy lifestyles and yet want our lives to be peaceful. We expect that peace to be omnipresent but what we need to realize is the fact that if we want peace- we have to live peacefully, love everyone, forgive, forget, etc. . It’s not enough to stand around asking if world peace will ever happen because that won’t do anything. Actions speak louder than any words. If everyone starts living the peaceful, loving way, things will change. But someone has to start and lead by example. Mahatma Gandhi once said â€Å"You must be the change you wish to see in the world.†We can’t rely on anyone else to do this. We have to do these ourselves. Acceptance, compassion, and tolerance are the foundation of peace. Mahatma Gandhi showed that peace ends suffering and oppression, not by warring against an enemy but by bearing witness to wrongs and allowing sympathy and common humanity to do their patient work. Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa lived different aspects of peace, which was proven to be a viable way to achieve great things. In the end, I would like to conclude by presenting this touching poem I found on net, which describes that peace takes the form we give it. The preamble to the United Nations Charter sums up the existential dilemma of today: â€Å"Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that defences of peace must be constructed†. The challenge today is in creating peace, and not in appreciating peace as a concept. And this cannot be done if we keep concentrating on destruction. It is time now to literally construct peace. But Peace is not just a feeling or a state of being. It is not just something that one would achieve only during long hours of prayers or meditation. And it is certainly not end-of-war alone. Peace is life itself. It is our original religion. Peace, therefore, is a natural instinct and if we wish to construct a peaceful world, then all we’ve got to do, is to let it manifest in our lives. Paradise is called so not just because it is believed to be a place of scenic beauty it is also where the divine virtues of love and peace prevail. To achieve peace, three things have to be borne in mind: that peace is our natural religion; that all that we do affects those around us; and that to recharge our pure energies, we need to connect to the Supreme Source. A life operating on these three laws of peace will tangibly transform everything to a peaceful state and recreate the one culture that we all wish to re-establish in the world – that is, the culture of peace. War and terrorism have cast their shadow on the world. Most world leaders, international organisations and so-called peace summits tend to define peace in the shadow of war, as ‘a situation where there is no war â€Å"between nations. By defining light as the ‘absence of darkness â€Å"or, life as the ‘absence of death†, we assign greater importance to the powers of darkness and death, or in the case of peace, to war, rather than peace. Peace is desirable, as is striving for peace. We agree that peace-marches and war protests have a place in this world, and unfortunately so does war. One man’s war is another man’s peace. To achieve peace, three things have to be borne in mind: that peace is our natural religion; that all that we do affects those who surround us; and that to recharge our pure energies, we need to connect to the Supreme Source. A life operating on these three laws of peace will tangibly transform everything to a peaceful state and recreate the one culture that we all wish to re-establish in the world – that is, the culture of peace. This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love. The way of peace is the way of love. Love is the greatest power on earth. It conquers all things Messengers of Peace by LAKSHMISRINIVAS We the messengers of peace With a message for peace on earth For peace we pray in distress This virtue we yearn to harness chorus Peace in the human heart Peace on human face Peace as human dress Peace for the human race Hate is strong and peace fragile Is what we often fear That wrong shall fail and right prevail Is our message loud and clear chorus Peace in the human heart Peace on human face Peace as human dress Peace for the human race As Martin Luther King has said â€Å"I have a dream†. So do I, a dream that one day peace prevails on Earth. No person cuts a brother’s or a sister’s head, no violence, no one feels unsafe to walk around, no bombs, no terrorist and there is a sense of understanding and love all around. â€Å"lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu†(May all beings everywhere attain happiness & freedom.) Observe all around. What is the best thing that this creation has ever produced? Mountains, trees, animals, birds no, it’s the human beings. We are the once in the world who have a sense of discrimination or in Hindi â€Å"Vivek†and what use are we making of that wonderful mind which the nature has bestowed upon us. Making a master plan to attack Mumbai or World trade Centre would certainly not the best use of mind. Come on think of it. What is it that these people want? Are they fighting for religion? Then I would say that these people have not understood the true meanings of the holy books which they pretend to have read. If someone throws a stone at a temple, a mosque or a church, we run after that man like dogs with swords in our hands to kill him. But are these temples, mosques, churches real? Why would God want to reside in places created by human beings for Him. He will live in the best designed creation of all. He lives in us! And we do not think even for a moment to cut another person’s throat just because he insulted a religion. No religion teaches to fight. It’s us who have interpreted these religions as per our convenience that we believe that we are the saviours. That insecurity, which is a result of all these attacks and bombs blast have started to creep in. My mother says, â€Å"do not go to a crowded place on Saturdays or Sundays†. At every moment there is a sense of fear that some where or may be at our place, there will be a nuclear attack and nothing will be left. Just even thinking that what are these morons upto, create a feeling of disgust, horror, anger and at the same time ‘pity’. Yes ‘pity’ is the right word. I pity these people and look down upon them as they do not even know the real purpose of this creation. They have their own concepts of religion, place and living life which are far from the actual meaning. They are no more than a unwanted group of parasites which have their own world and want to conquer our world. An insecticide must be created for these people because in my opinion, they won’t change with talks. Their minds are corrupted till the roots that even sitting in a world summit where we invite all the terrorist leaders to talk and discuss ‘what the hell is there problem ?’ and making settlements won’t do any good. ‘An ostrich dugs its head inside the earth’s surface and thinks that the danger is off because it is not visible.’ We cannot afford all this. I feel sad when I say that all these terrorists must be given a taste of the fear which they have caused on the society ,but what else can we do?†¦.give in to their demands and create a world full of people who do not have any moral or civil sense. When a disease is inflict ed upon ,one needs to take a bitter medicine or the disease won’t go. And after all this I pray in future that I sall never see a war on earth. â€Å"OM dhyauH shaantiH Antariksha shaantiH aapaH shaantiH AushadhayaH shaantiH vanaspatayaH shaantiH visvedevaaH shaantiH shaantireva shaantiH saa maa shaantiredhi OM shaantiH shaantiH shaantiH†(May there be peace in heaven, may there be peace in sky, – may there be peace on the earth, may there be peace in waters – may there be peace in herbs, may there be peace in vegetations – may there be peace in all the Gods, may there be peace in entire Bramha (creation) – may there peace everywhere, may there be peace and only peace, may that peace embrace me. OM !! Peace Peace Peace))) All the world over people crave for peace. The leaders and politicians of the world are trying to achieve world peace. But many difficulties come in the way. There is fear and suspicion among nations. Russia suspects the motives of American. America likewise does not trust Russia. Pakistan says that it is afraid of India. That is way she is aiming herself with latest weapons. Some countries are very much advance in science. Their economic condition is far superior to that of others. Such countries want to dominate weaker countries. They exploit them. This creates tension and other conflicts break out here and there. While peace has been established in Vietnam, the Middle East is still the danger spot of the world. Indian and Pakistan are still not on friendly terms. Local wars in these areas can lead to a world war any day. Narrow patriotism, religion fanaticism and military pacts also come in the way of world peace. Some countries want to capture the markets of the world for their trade. This causes unhealthy competition. The possibilities of World War are thus increased and those of peace minimized. Apart form this, there is the questions of ‘black and white’. The white people hate ‘black’ men. This hatred creates difficulties in the way of the establishment of peace. It is said that voice of the people is the voice of God. Nowhere in the world people want war. They are fed up with it. The desire for peace is supreme in their hearts. So ways and means must be found for persevering world peace. Following ways may be suggested to ensure everlasting peace in the world. First, there must be disarmament. Powerful countries should give up the race of arming themselves and their friendly countries to the teeth. The manufacture of deathly weapons should be stopped. This will create a feeling of security. There will be faith instead of suspicion among the various countries of the world. Secondly, big counties should not only accept the principles of ‘Panch Sheela’ in theory, but should follow them strictly in practice. These are the five principles of international conduct given to the world by our late Prime Minister Nehru. World peace can be secured only by their observance in practice. Thirdly, peace can be established only of the U.N.O is allowed to work smoothly. All the nations of the world must respect its decisions. Problem should be solved amicably through this agency. The destiny of the world rests in the hands of its leaders. They should unite to achieve this aim. The power of science should be used for human welfare alone. Scientist should put a check on its use for destructive purposes. The people and the politicians should unite and work for world peace. With the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the danger of a third world war gas come to an end. Regional security system are being worked out. These are happy sings which indicate that good sense is drawing on the leaders of the world Terms for Nuclear Ban Treaty are being discussed by the nuclear powers. This is a good sign for world-peace. But the U.S.A has grown all powerful. It is increasingly playing the role of the policeman of the world. This tendency is a dangerous one. It must be crushed in the very beginning .
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