Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Kone Monospace - 1786 Words
KONE: MONOSPACE LAUNCH IN GERMANY Factors contributed to the launch performance of KONE on the Netherlands, France and UK? When launched, sales of KONE’s Monospace was the highest in Netherlands, then France and in UK none was sold in the first 3 months. Monospace is an elevator invented by KONE using the latest technology that uses an â€Å"EcoDisc†that eliminates the use of a machine room and further incur significant energy cost savings for the building management. It is an upgraded version for geared traction elevators. There is more construction freedom and construction costs could be saved using Monospace too. The technology of Monospace then could be used for buildings of 12 floors or less. Hence KONE marketing team targets the†¦show more content†¦The space saved could be used for other revenue generating activities which will further please clients. Without building an extra machine room also saves some construction costs. Construction players are normally tight on budget, the savings gives them flexibility to adjust their profits. In addition, changing to Monospace requires minimal changes of their original architectural designs. 2. Energy efficiency As mentioned in the case, the construction boom has ended and there are at most 26% of existing buildings have a chance of upgrading to Monospace. This point would be important to existing building managements as their monthly cost could be reduced substantially if they upgrade to Monospace elevators. Monospace consumes a third of energy a hydraulic elevator consumes and half of what a geared traction elevator consumes. Its speed is also at 1 mtr/s similar to a geared traction elevator. These monthly savings can be seen on the bills and they add up to a substantial amount annually. For construction managers and architects, this value could be used to impress clients. 3. Lower fire potential Monospace elevators unlike hydraulic and geared traction elevators, do not require oil for operation. It reduces fire potentia l which is a great problem for residential areas. It is also one strong point of difference that KONE possess against competitors. KONE: MONOSPACE LAUNCH IN GERMANY From KONE’s financial perspective, what are the 3 most importantShow MoreRelatedKone Case945 Words  | 4 PagesCASE: (KONE: The MonoSpace Launch in Germany) Problem: KONE Aufzug is a new elevator business which is in the middle of planning the launch of their new product, â€Å"MonoSpace†, into Germany. KONE is challenged with the problem of how they should price and market the MonoSpace elevator without dismantling and destroying their existing product line. KONE knows that they can only market to low amp; mid-rise buildings of 12 floors or less due to its cabin requirements and operating speed; howeverRead MoreGerman Elevator Market Analysis2480 Words  | 10 Pageselevators etc.) in the higher-end market - 10% - Rarely involved in decision - Mainly concerned with cost of developing a new building, upfront costs, and less about elevator selection Energy suppliers acted as an influence group and recommended MonoSpace. Purchasing Process Process Explanation Purchasing Decision - Low rise residential elevator purchase decision includes 4 or 5 parties: property owner, construction company manager, architect, construction company purchasing agent, building serviceRead MoreCase: Colgate Max Fresh: Global Brand Roll-Out (Pcr)1958 Words  | 8 Pages Due: Markstrat Decision #5 3/3 Case: Global Wine War 2009: New World versus Old Week 9 Marketing Strategy and Pricing 3/8 Reading: Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets Due: Markstrat Decision #6 3/10 Case: Kone: The Monospace Launch in Germany Exercise # 3 Week 10 Marketing Strategy and Communications 3/22 Reading: Getting Brand Communities Right Due: Markstrat Decision #7 3/24 Case: Slanket: Responding to Snuggie s Market Entry Week 11
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien - 892 Words
The Vietnam War was a long, exhausting, and traumatic experience for all of the soldiers and those who came with them. The Things They Carried, by Tim O Brien illustrates the different affects the war had on a variety of people: Jacqueline Navarra Rhoads, a former nurse during the Vietnam war, demonstrates these effects within her own memoir in the book, The Forgotten Veterans. Both sources exemplify many tribulations, while sharing a common thread of suffering from mental unpredictability. Desensitization and unstable morals are two main themes relevant not only throughout the novel, but in Jacqueline s personal story. Desensitization is one of many mental affects the Vietnam War caused those associated with it. In the novel, the reader sees in many situations how characters develop a loss of emotion towards suffering, killing, and violence. Things that the characters used to be affected by no longer impact them due to the extreme exposure of the negativity surrounding them. The soldiers saw so much death it became a normality to them, corpses became objects laughed at and played with. They â€Å"had ways of making the dead seem not quite so dead, shaking hands and making fun of the lifeless bodies turned into a coping method. The men and nurses learned that by slighting death, by acting, we pretended it was not the terrible thing it was†(O Brien 480). Not only was their sensitivity lost, but the majority of their emotions as well. O Brien shows this in Hazeltine 1Show MoreRelatedThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1377 Words  | 6 Pageslove to have it as good as we do. Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried discusses many veterans who experience the burden of shame and guilt daily due to their heroic actions taken during the Vietnam War. The book shows you how such a war can change a man before, during, and after it’s over.            As I reflect on the many conflicts America has been a part of, none can compare to the tragedies that occurred in The Vietnam war. As told in The Things They Carried (O’Brien), characters such as NormanRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1457 Words  | 6 Pagesthe theme pertains to everyone regardless of their background. It conveys the same ideas to people from all across our society. Lastly, a classic is timeless, which means it has transcended the time in which it was written. In Tim O’Brien’s novel, The Things They Carried, he offers a new, intriguing way to view war or just life in general and also meets all of the crucial requirements mentioned above to qualify it as a book of literary canon. Though this book is technically a war novel, many peopleRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1242 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Tim O’Brien is obsessed with telling a true war story. O Brien s fiction about the Vietnam experience suggest, lies not in realistic depictions or definitive accounts. As O’Brien argues, absolute occurrence is irrelevant because a true war story does not depend upon that kind of truth. Mary Ann’s induction into genuine experience is clearly destructive as well as empowering†(p.12) Tim O’s text, The Things they Carried, details his uses of word choice to portray his tone and bias. Tim O’BrienRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1169 Words  | 5 Pagesbut are set in the past and borrows things from that time period. A story that fits this genre of literature is The Things They Carried. The story is about Tim O Brien, a Vietnam veteran from the Unite States, who tells stories about what had happ ened when he and his team were stationed in Vietnam. He also talks about what he felt about the war when he was drafted and what he tried to do to avoid going to fight in Vietnam. The Things They Carried by Tim O Brien was precise with its portrayal of settingRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1004 Words  | 5 Pages Tim O’Brien is a veteran from of the Vietnam War, and after coming home from his duty he decided to be a writer. His work â€Å"The Things They Carried†is about a group of soldiers that are fighting in the Vietnam War. The first part of the story talks mostly about physical items that each soldier carries, and also mentions the weight of the items as well. Though, there is one exception to the list of physical things. Lieutenant Cross is a character of the story, and Tim O’ Brien quickly states theRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien896 Words  | 4 PagesTrouble without a doubt is what First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross c arried around his shoulders because he was out in war, where mistakes happen. Lost and unknown of his surroundings he had to lead his men into safety, while destroying anything they found. First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross only holds onto one thing for hope and that is Martha, the woman who he hopes is a virgin to come back to. Tim O’ Brien introduces symbolism by adding a character that has a meaning of purity and a pebble, which symbolizesRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien Essay832 Words  | 4 PagesSummary: â€Å"By and large they carried these things inside, maintaining the masks of composure†(21). In Tim O’brien’s The Things They Carried, the American soldiers of the Vietnam War carry much more than the weight of their equipment, much more than souvenirs or good-luck charms or letters from home. They carried within themselves the intransitive burdensâ€â€of fear, of cowardice, of love, of loneliness, of anger, of confusion. Most of all, they carry the truth of what happened to them in the warâ€â€aRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1369 Words  | 6 PagesMany authors use storytelling as a vehicle to convey the immortality of past selves and those who have passed to not only in their piece of literature but in their life as an author. In Tim O’Brien’s work of fiction The Things They Carried, through his final chapter â€Å"The Lives of the Dead,†O Brien conveys that writing is a matter of survival since, the powers of s torytelling can ensure the immortality of all those who were significant in his life. Through their immortality, O’Brien has the abilityRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1407 Words  | 6 Pages   Our introduction stated that in â€Å"The Things They Carried,†author Tim O’Brien tells us not directly of the soldiers of Vietnam, or the situations they find themselves in, but about the things they carry on their shoulders and in their pockets. These â€Å"things†identify the characters and bring them to life. I find that to be true as the author unfolds the stories about war and the uncommon things one carries in to war both inadvertently and on purpose.   As it was noted: Stories about war –Read MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien Essay984 Words  | 4 PagesVery few novels and short stories have managed to clarify, in any lasting process, the means of the war in Vietnam for America and for the troopers who served there. With The Things They Carried, author (Tim O’Brien), captures the war s pulsing rhythms and trying dangers. However he goes abundant any. By moving on the far side the horror of the fighti ng to look at with sensitivity and insight the character of affection, courageousness and worry, by questioning the role that imagination plays
Monday, December 9, 2019
Relaxed is Fast free essay sample
I can feel the boiling sweat dripping off my face as I increase my pace. Only a mile left. Start picking it up! â€Å"RELAXED IS FAST!†I can hear coach Mulrooney crackling energetic voice from somewhere nearby. Here it goes. I begin to increase my speed. Stay relaxed, and the race is mine. Cross-Country is not an easy sport. It requires running at least thirty five miles a week through rain, hail, ninety five degree heat, and twenty degree cold. I have twisted my ankle, endured shin-splints, been slashed by spikes, lost my shoe, and been hit in the face with a flag. However, there is one guiding principle which helps me work through these setbacks. RELAXED IS FAST. With this principle in mind, shin splints and lost shoes shrink from insurmountable obstacles to insignificant impediments. When you relax mentally, you allow yourself to perform at your best. Although I was first taught this lesson by my Cross-Country coach Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Relaxed is Fast or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mulrooney, it is an idea that pertains to many aspects of life. When I am struggling through a difficult AP Physics exam and I find myself becoming anxious that I will not finish in time, I remember, relaxed is fast. I take a deep breath and unwind. I immediately notice that the test seems easier, and the time limit more spacious. By changing my state of mind, I can enhance my performance and alleviate stress. I know there will be anxiety during the transition into college and throughout life, but I also understand how to deal with the pressure. When others are allowing the challenges around them to stifle their progress, I will use the wise advice of Coach Mulrooney and relax. Such a small mental change is often the difference between success and failure.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
WordPress Widgets 101 What They Are and How to Use Them
As you begin designing your first WordPress site, there are a few basic features youll want to become familiar with. For example, youll need to learn how to use default content types such as pages and posts. In addition, its essential to understand the ins and outs of WordPress widgets.Widgets are simple elements you can use to build your websites sidebars (and potentially other areas, as well). They enable you to easily add text, links, and various types of information to designated areas (determined by your theme). The default WordPress widgets are sufficient for many sites, but you can also download additional options if youd like.In this post, well tell you everything you need to know about widgets. This includes what they are, how to use them, and what options they provide. Plus, well introduce a few plugins you can use to add even more widgets to your site. Lets take a look! Understanding how widgets work is essential, since they are a very simple way to customize your site and include the exact elements you want.How to add a widget to your WordPress siteTo add a widget to your site, youll need to log in to your dashboard, then navigate to Appearance → Widgets:Here, youll see a list of the default WordPress widgets, each with a title and brief description. On the right, youll find one or more designated widget areas, with headers (such as Sidebar or Footer) to tell you where theyre located. Depending on your theme, there may already be some widgets in these areas.To add a new widget, simply click on it and drag it over into a widget area:You can do the reverse to remove widgets from your site. And you can also drag individual widgets up or down to reorder them. Thats it! If you view the front end of your site, you should see the new feature:In addition to the method above, its also possible to add widgets to your site using the WordPress Customizer. The process is quite similar, just located inside the WordPress Customizer. And the advantage of that approach is that you can see what your widgets will look like on the front end of your site in real time.Beyond that, many of the default widgets include various customization options as well. Lets take a look at some of the most important features you have access to.WordPress default widget optionsOut of the box, WordPress comes with a small but useful collection of widgets. The ones you use will depend on your sites needs and audience, but there are a few that are worth checking out regardless.First up, the Text widget is the most versatile of these modules. If you drag one over to your widget area and open it by clicking on the arrow in the top right corner, youll see two boxes:Theres a space for a title, then a miniature version of the WordPress editor. Using this widget, you can add nearly anything to your sidebar. This could be simple text, a collection of links, or a media file.Next, take a look at the Search widget:This module is as simple as they come. The only customi zation choice here is the title (which is optional). However, this widget is crucial, since it will add a fully functional search bar to your site. Providing visitors with a search feature helps them more easily find what theyre looking for.Finally, check out the Recent Posts widget:As the name suggests, this will add a list of your most recently published posts to your widget area. This is a smart way to encourage visitors to explore your latest content. You can add a custom title, configure how many posts will be displayed (up to ten), and decide whether to display each posts date.We recommend taking some time to look through the rest of the basic widget options. Youll find that they provide a lot of flexibility. If you want even more choices, though, there are some handy plugins that can help you out.How to expand your widget selection WordPress Popular Posts Author(s): Hector CabreraCurrent Version: 4.2.2Last Updated: December 6, 90%Rati ngs 3,510,683Downloads WP 4.7+Requires While the default WordPress widgets are sufficient for many sites, some users may want additional options. Fortunately, it isnt hard to find plugins that will expand your collection of widgets.For example, there are a number of plugins that simply add a single new widget to your dashboard. These include:WordPress Popular Posts: This plugin provides you with a customizable widget that shows off your most visited posts within a particular time range.Image Widget: With this widget, youll get a more flexible and customizable image module than the default WordPress option.Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails: An upgrade to the existing Recent Posts widget, this one lets you add a thumbnail image to each post in the list.If youre looking for something more comprehensive, you can also find plugins that overhaul the entire widget experience. Wed recommend checking out:SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle: With this plugin, you get a whole new collection of wid gets, such as a Slider Widget and a Social Links Widget.Custom Sidebars: This plugin makes your existing widget areas more customizable, such as by enabling you to add different widgets to specific pages.Whatever youd like to do with your widgets and sidebars, its likely theres a plugin that can help. With a little effort, youll have your widget areas customized to perfection in no time!ConclusionWidgets are a simple WordPress feature, but one that should not be overlooked. Using widgets, you can customize your sidebars with no knowledge of design or coding. Plus, adding them to your themes widget areas is as simple as dragging and dropping them, then tweaking a few settings.To start using WordPress widgets on your site, youll simply need to navigate to Appearance → Widgets in your dashboard or access the WordPress Customizer. Then, you can drag whatever widgets youd like to use into your sidebars or footer. There are plenty of default options that enable you to include text, a search bar, and more. For additional flexibility, you can turn to plugins such as WordPress Popular Posts and Custom Sidebars.Do you have any questions about how to use WordPress widgets on your site? Give us a heads-up in the comments section below! Learn what #WordPress #widgets are and how to use them on your site
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