Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Kone Monospace - 1786 Words
KONE: MONOSPACE LAUNCH IN GERMANY Factors contributed to the launch performance of KONE on the Netherlands, France and UK? When launched, sales of KONE’s Monospace was the highest in Netherlands, then France and in UK none was sold in the first 3 months. Monospace is an elevator invented by KONE using the latest technology that uses an â€Å"EcoDisc†that eliminates the use of a machine room and further incur significant energy cost savings for the building management. It is an upgraded version for geared traction elevators. There is more construction freedom and construction costs could be saved using Monospace too. The technology of Monospace then could be used for buildings of 12 floors or less. Hence KONE marketing team targets the†¦show more content†¦The space saved could be used for other revenue generating activities which will further please clients. Without building an extra machine room also saves some construction costs. Construction players are normally tight on budget, the savings gives them flexibility to adjust their profits. In addition, changing to Monospace requires minimal changes of their original architectural designs. 2. Energy efficiency As mentioned in the case, the construction boom has ended and there are at most 26% of existing buildings have a chance of upgrading to Monospace. This point would be important to existing building managements as their monthly cost could be reduced substantially if they upgrade to Monospace elevators. Monospace consumes a third of energy a hydraulic elevator consumes and half of what a geared traction elevator consumes. Its speed is also at 1 mtr/s similar to a geared traction elevator. These monthly savings can be seen on the bills and they add up to a substantial amount annually. For construction managers and architects, this value could be used to impress clients. 3. Lower fire potential Monospace elevators unlike hydraulic and geared traction elevators, do not require oil for operation. It reduces fire potentia l which is a great problem for residential areas. It is also one strong point of difference that KONE possess against competitors. KONE: MONOSPACE LAUNCH IN GERMANY From KONE’s financial perspective, what are the 3 most importantShow MoreRelatedKone Case945 Words  | 4 PagesCASE: (KONE: The MonoSpace Launch in Germany) Problem: KONE Aufzug is a new elevator business which is in the middle of planning the launch of their new product, â€Å"MonoSpace†, into Germany. KONE is challenged with the problem of how they should price and market the MonoSpace elevator without dismantling and destroying their existing product line. KONE knows that they can only market to low amp; mid-rise buildings of 12 floors or less due to its cabin requirements and operating speed; howeverRead MoreGerman Elevator Market Analysis2480 Words  | 10 Pageselevators etc.) in the higher-end market - 10% - Rarely involved in decision - Mainly concerned with cost of developing a new building, upfront costs, and less about elevator selection Energy suppliers acted as an influence group and recommended MonoSpace. Purchasing Process Process Explanation Purchasing Decision - Low rise residential elevator purchase decision includes 4 or 5 parties: property owner, construction company manager, architect, construction company purchasing agent, building serviceRead MoreCase: Colgate Max Fresh: Global Brand Roll-Out (Pcr)1958 Words  | 8 Pages Due: Markstrat Decision #5 3/3 Case: Global Wine War 2009: New World versus Old Week 9 Marketing Strategy and Pricing 3/8 Reading: Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets Due: Markstrat Decision #6 3/10 Case: Kone: The Monospace Launch in Germany Exercise # 3 Week 10 Marketing Strategy and Communications 3/22 Reading: Getting Brand Communities Right Due: Markstrat Decision #7 3/24 Case: Slanket: Responding to Snuggie s Market Entry Week 11
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien - 892 Words
The Vietnam War was a long, exhausting, and traumatic experience for all of the soldiers and those who came with them. The Things They Carried, by Tim O Brien illustrates the different affects the war had on a variety of people: Jacqueline Navarra Rhoads, a former nurse during the Vietnam war, demonstrates these effects within her own memoir in the book, The Forgotten Veterans. Both sources exemplify many tribulations, while sharing a common thread of suffering from mental unpredictability. Desensitization and unstable morals are two main themes relevant not only throughout the novel, but in Jacqueline s personal story. Desensitization is one of many mental affects the Vietnam War caused those associated with it. In the novel, the reader sees in many situations how characters develop a loss of emotion towards suffering, killing, and violence. Things that the characters used to be affected by no longer impact them due to the extreme exposure of the negativity surrounding them. The soldiers saw so much death it became a normality to them, corpses became objects laughed at and played with. They â€Å"had ways of making the dead seem not quite so dead, shaking hands and making fun of the lifeless bodies turned into a coping method. The men and nurses learned that by slighting death, by acting, we pretended it was not the terrible thing it was†(O Brien 480). Not only was their sensitivity lost, but the majority of their emotions as well. O Brien shows this in Hazeltine 1Show MoreRelatedThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1377 Words  | 6 Pageslove to have it as good as we do. Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried discusses many veterans who experience the burden of shame and guilt daily due to their heroic actions taken during the Vietnam War. The book shows you how such a war can change a man before, during, and after it’s over.            As I reflect on the many conflicts America has been a part of, none can compare to the tragedies that occurred in The Vietnam war. As told in The Things They Carried (O’Brien), characters such as NormanRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1457 Words  | 6 Pagesthe theme pertains to everyone regardless of their background. It conveys the same ideas to people from all across our society. Lastly, a classic is timeless, which means it has transcended the time in which it was written. In Tim O’Brien’s novel, The Things They Carried, he offers a new, intriguing way to view war or just life in general and also meets all of the crucial requirements mentioned above to qualify it as a book of literary canon. Though this book is technically a war novel, many peopleRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1242 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Tim O’Brien is obsessed with telling a true war story. O Brien s fiction about the Vietnam experience suggest, lies not in realistic depictions or definitive accounts. As O’Brien argues, absolute occurrence is irrelevant because a true war story does not depend upon that kind of truth. Mary Ann’s induction into genuine experience is clearly destructive as well as empowering†(p.12) Tim O’s text, The Things they Carried, details his uses of word choice to portray his tone and bias. Tim O’BrienRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1169 Words  | 5 Pagesbut are set in the past and borrows things from that time period. A story that fits this genre of literature is The Things They Carried. The story is about Tim O Brien, a Vietnam veteran from the Unite States, who tells stories about what had happ ened when he and his team were stationed in Vietnam. He also talks about what he felt about the war when he was drafted and what he tried to do to avoid going to fight in Vietnam. The Things They Carried by Tim O Brien was precise with its portrayal of settingRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1004 Words  | 5 Pages Tim O’Brien is a veteran from of the Vietnam War, and after coming home from his duty he decided to be a writer. His work â€Å"The Things They Carried†is about a group of soldiers that are fighting in the Vietnam War. The first part of the story talks mostly about physical items that each soldier carries, and also mentions the weight of the items as well. Though, there is one exception to the list of physical things. Lieutenant Cross is a character of the story, and Tim O’ Brien quickly states theRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien896 Words  | 4 PagesTrouble without a doubt is what First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross c arried around his shoulders because he was out in war, where mistakes happen. Lost and unknown of his surroundings he had to lead his men into safety, while destroying anything they found. First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross only holds onto one thing for hope and that is Martha, the woman who he hopes is a virgin to come back to. Tim O’ Brien introduces symbolism by adding a character that has a meaning of purity and a pebble, which symbolizesRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien Essay832 Words  | 4 PagesSummary: â€Å"By and large they carried these things inside, maintaining the masks of composure†(21). In Tim O’brien’s The Things They Carried, the American soldiers of the Vietnam War carry much more than the weight of their equipment, much more than souvenirs or good-luck charms or letters from home. They carried within themselves the intransitive burdensâ€â€of fear, of cowardice, of love, of loneliness, of anger, of confusion. Most of all, they carry the truth of what happened to them in the warâ€â€aRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1369 Words  | 6 PagesMany authors use storytelling as a vehicle to convey the immortality of past selves and those who have passed to not only in their piece of literature but in their life as an author. In Tim O’Brien’s work of fiction The Things They Carried, through his final chapter â€Å"The Lives of the Dead,†O Brien conveys that writing is a matter of survival since, the powers of s torytelling can ensure the immortality of all those who were significant in his life. Through their immortality, O’Brien has the abilityRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1407 Words  | 6 Pages   Our introduction stated that in â€Å"The Things They Carried,†author Tim O’Brien tells us not directly of the soldiers of Vietnam, or the situations they find themselves in, but about the things they carry on their shoulders and in their pockets. These â€Å"things†identify the characters and bring them to life. I find that to be true as the author unfolds the stories about war and the uncommon things one carries in to war both inadvertently and on purpose.   As it was noted: Stories about war –Read MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien Essay984 Words  | 4 PagesVery few novels and short stories have managed to clarify, in any lasting process, the means of the war in Vietnam for America and for the troopers who served there. With The Things They Carried, author (Tim O’Brien), captures the war s pulsing rhythms and trying dangers. However he goes abundant any. By moving on the far side the horror of the fighti ng to look at with sensitivity and insight the character of affection, courageousness and worry, by questioning the role that imagination plays
Monday, December 9, 2019
Relaxed is Fast free essay sample
I can feel the boiling sweat dripping off my face as I increase my pace. Only a mile left. Start picking it up! â€Å"RELAXED IS FAST!†I can hear coach Mulrooney crackling energetic voice from somewhere nearby. Here it goes. I begin to increase my speed. Stay relaxed, and the race is mine. Cross-Country is not an easy sport. It requires running at least thirty five miles a week through rain, hail, ninety five degree heat, and twenty degree cold. I have twisted my ankle, endured shin-splints, been slashed by spikes, lost my shoe, and been hit in the face with a flag. However, there is one guiding principle which helps me work through these setbacks. RELAXED IS FAST. With this principle in mind, shin splints and lost shoes shrink from insurmountable obstacles to insignificant impediments. When you relax mentally, you allow yourself to perform at your best. Although I was first taught this lesson by my Cross-Country coach Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Relaxed is Fast or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mulrooney, it is an idea that pertains to many aspects of life. When I am struggling through a difficult AP Physics exam and I find myself becoming anxious that I will not finish in time, I remember, relaxed is fast. I take a deep breath and unwind. I immediately notice that the test seems easier, and the time limit more spacious. By changing my state of mind, I can enhance my performance and alleviate stress. I know there will be anxiety during the transition into college and throughout life, but I also understand how to deal with the pressure. When others are allowing the challenges around them to stifle their progress, I will use the wise advice of Coach Mulrooney and relax. Such a small mental change is often the difference between success and failure.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
WordPress Widgets 101 What They Are and How to Use Them
As you begin designing your first WordPress site, there are a few basic features youll want to become familiar with. For example, youll need to learn how to use default content types such as pages and posts. In addition, its essential to understand the ins and outs of WordPress widgets.Widgets are simple elements you can use to build your websites sidebars (and potentially other areas, as well). They enable you to easily add text, links, and various types of information to designated areas (determined by your theme). The default WordPress widgets are sufficient for many sites, but you can also download additional options if youd like.In this post, well tell you everything you need to know about widgets. This includes what they are, how to use them, and what options they provide. Plus, well introduce a few plugins you can use to add even more widgets to your site. Lets take a look! Understanding how widgets work is essential, since they are a very simple way to customize your site and include the exact elements you want.How to add a widget to your WordPress siteTo add a widget to your site, youll need to log in to your dashboard, then navigate to Appearance → Widgets:Here, youll see a list of the default WordPress widgets, each with a title and brief description. On the right, youll find one or more designated widget areas, with headers (such as Sidebar or Footer) to tell you where theyre located. Depending on your theme, there may already be some widgets in these areas.To add a new widget, simply click on it and drag it over into a widget area:You can do the reverse to remove widgets from your site. And you can also drag individual widgets up or down to reorder them. Thats it! If you view the front end of your site, you should see the new feature:In addition to the method above, its also possible to add widgets to your site using the WordPress Customizer. The process is quite similar, just located inside the WordPress Customizer. And the advantage of that approach is that you can see what your widgets will look like on the front end of your site in real time.Beyond that, many of the default widgets include various customization options as well. Lets take a look at some of the most important features you have access to.WordPress default widget optionsOut of the box, WordPress comes with a small but useful collection of widgets. The ones you use will depend on your sites needs and audience, but there are a few that are worth checking out regardless.First up, the Text widget is the most versatile of these modules. If you drag one over to your widget area and open it by clicking on the arrow in the top right corner, youll see two boxes:Theres a space for a title, then a miniature version of the WordPress editor. Using this widget, you can add nearly anything to your sidebar. This could be simple text, a collection of links, or a media file.Next, take a look at the Search widget:This module is as simple as they come. The only customi zation choice here is the title (which is optional). However, this widget is crucial, since it will add a fully functional search bar to your site. Providing visitors with a search feature helps them more easily find what theyre looking for.Finally, check out the Recent Posts widget:As the name suggests, this will add a list of your most recently published posts to your widget area. This is a smart way to encourage visitors to explore your latest content. You can add a custom title, configure how many posts will be displayed (up to ten), and decide whether to display each posts date.We recommend taking some time to look through the rest of the basic widget options. Youll find that they provide a lot of flexibility. If you want even more choices, though, there are some handy plugins that can help you out.How to expand your widget selection WordPress Popular Posts Author(s): Hector CabreraCurrent Version: 4.2.2Last Updated: December 6, 90%Rati ngs 3,510,683Downloads WP 4.7+Requires While the default WordPress widgets are sufficient for many sites, some users may want additional options. Fortunately, it isnt hard to find plugins that will expand your collection of widgets.For example, there are a number of plugins that simply add a single new widget to your dashboard. These include:WordPress Popular Posts: This plugin provides you with a customizable widget that shows off your most visited posts within a particular time range.Image Widget: With this widget, youll get a more flexible and customizable image module than the default WordPress option.Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails: An upgrade to the existing Recent Posts widget, this one lets you add a thumbnail image to each post in the list.If youre looking for something more comprehensive, you can also find plugins that overhaul the entire widget experience. Wed recommend checking out:SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle: With this plugin, you get a whole new collection of wid gets, such as a Slider Widget and a Social Links Widget.Custom Sidebars: This plugin makes your existing widget areas more customizable, such as by enabling you to add different widgets to specific pages.Whatever youd like to do with your widgets and sidebars, its likely theres a plugin that can help. With a little effort, youll have your widget areas customized to perfection in no time!ConclusionWidgets are a simple WordPress feature, but one that should not be overlooked. Using widgets, you can customize your sidebars with no knowledge of design or coding. Plus, adding them to your themes widget areas is as simple as dragging and dropping them, then tweaking a few settings.To start using WordPress widgets on your site, youll simply need to navigate to Appearance → Widgets in your dashboard or access the WordPress Customizer. Then, you can drag whatever widgets youd like to use into your sidebars or footer. There are plenty of default options that enable you to include text, a search bar, and more. For additional flexibility, you can turn to plugins such as WordPress Popular Posts and Custom Sidebars.Do you have any questions about how to use WordPress widgets on your site? Give us a heads-up in the comments section below! Learn what #WordPress #widgets are and how to use them on your site
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Adolescents Influence In Family Decision Making Social Work Essay Example
Adolescents Influence In Family Decision Making Social Work Essay Example Adolescents Influence In Family Decision Making Social Work Essay Adolescents Influence In Family Decision Making Social Work Essay Abstraction This survey examines the perceptual experiences and behavior of Adolescents influence in household determination devising in different household fortunes and what merchandises are more influenced through the kid more than the grownups. The research findings are based on different diary articles that show how much power kids have in the determination doing procedure based on different members of the household perceptual experiences and how they get their message across on what they want through alliances or entirely on their ain. In footings of household types ; single-parent and step-families are increasing in today s society compared to integral households. It s now non unusual for parent s to disassociate and travel on with person else. This will do an impact on the kid s function in household purchase determination devising. Bing a kid in a single-parent household suggests that they have more power in the family whereas being a member of an integral household can do break as there are many people to delight in that family. However, in many fortunes the parent s perceptual experiences do non ever agree with the kid s sentiment. A figure of accounts and illustrations for this are given. Introduction For a long clip, Adolescents have played an of import function throughout household purchase determinations, with their capableness to hold an impact to straight and indirectly act upon the determinations households make when buying merchandises. ( Thomson, Laing, A ; McKee, 2007 ) . This is put into pattern throughout all different types of households, whether it is an integral household of 4, a household three, a individual parent household of 1 or a mix matched household doing it a step-family. This means the perceptual experiences on adolescent influence in determination doing depend on what household the kid belongs to. Adolescent behavior is besides of import when the kid makes an input into the determinations of purchase devising. Coalition being the behavior type writers focused on as kids recognized a frequent demand for a purchase between more than one household member and in the terminal created a alliance ( Thomson, Laing, A ; McKee, 2007 ) . These include different me mbers of the household working together with the kid in order to do a stronger influence on household determinations whether it is a parent or a sibling. Children hence play a portion in household determination doing no affair how large or little and the merchandises in inquiry can change from food markets to vacations. Junk nutrients, playthings, childs apparels and accoutrements for school are a few of the chief merchandises that kids have been known to hold a strong influence on. ( Mangleburg T. F. , 1990 ) . Research on how much influence kids have on certain merchandises will besides be explored. Children s Behaviour -When and how do they act upon purchasing? Children constitute a immense secondary market by act uponing household purchases ( McNeal, 2008 ) . Equally shortly as kids have established the construct of utilizing communicating accomplishments to do demands, they are so more involved in doing an influence in household determination devising. ( Furnham, 1998 ) , demoing that from the minute they can speak, they will automatically hold an influence on purchasing foregrounding the fact that kids are going a important portion to the household determination doing procedure on purchases at an early age. The most of import behavior for a kid when they influence determination devising is the usage of cognition and information. When contemplating kid purchase power, research shows that this is known as a uniting subject ( Thomson, Laing, A ; McKee, 2007 ) . To acquire a kid to take part in the determination phase of purchasing, cognition is a great beginning as it points out the inventiveness or experiences that the kids have when a purchase is carried out by a household ( Thomson, Laing, A ; McKee, 2007 ) . Information is besides of import as it shows whether the kid knows about the merchandises in inquiry or non. Knowledge and Information is a important function in warranting the kid s pick of merchandises and is the chief factor on how they influence on the purchasing phase. Parents can make up ones mind whether the kid s grounds are adequate to purchase the merchandise in inquiry through their cognition and information. Studies show that tonss of parents encourage the usage of cognition and information and are foreseen feature of some household determination devising ( Thomson, Laing, A ; McKee, 2007 ) . How do alliances impact striplings determination on buying? Coalition behavior involves at least two members of a household to acquire together to organize an confederation to act upon the terminal determination of a purchase within a household. This procedure is frequently termed majority regulation ( Pearson, 1989 ) . Majority regulation may hold a bigger impact than merely the kid s influence ; therefore a kid may organize a alliance with another household member to do their influence have more of an impact on the concluding determination of the purchase. However, there have been writers that convey this as icky behavior. ( Sheth, 1974 ) and ( Belch et al. 1980 ) felt that alliance would be few and far in between. Alliances can come in different signifiers: Mother and kid, Father and kid or if there is more than one kid, siblings could acquire together. This can profit the kid as one parent might be easy persuaded into giving the kid what they want and more apprehension of the kid s demands. It was distinguished that a important figure o f alliances occurred between female parents and girls than female parents and boies reasoning that when the same-sex members of a household unite to act upon a determination on a merchandise that they have more power than what different-sex members would ( Beatty A ; Talpade 1994 ) . This would propose that girls had more opportunity of holding a stronger influence in the household family compared to boies when they both wanted to convert their female parent of buying a merchandise. Family Triads Should the kid have an input? Before purchasing merchandises for any household, there is a determination devising procedure that they must believe about in order to come to a reasoning determination on what to buy if they have kids. This involves three phases of determination devising ; garnering information, negociating within the household and the overall determination on what to purchase. Family threes are found to differ in their perceptual experiences of adolescent influence on both a broad choice of merchandises and general influence in household determination processes. Mothers, male parents and kids all, nevertheless agree that kids have some influence in purchase determinations for a assortment of merchandises. Previous research has put frontward the fact that two household members can differ in measuring purchase determination influence ( Burns A ; Hopper 1985 ) . Each member of the household three had different sentiments on how much power the kid really has when make up ones minding on buying a merch andise in surveies shown in the Journal of Consumer Research. Out of 161 households from North Western Towns, The kids themselves agreed that they have influence when shopping with parents, proposing shops, trade names and merchandises, paying attending to new merchandises and larning the best bargain. Mothers and Fathers besides agreed to some extent that the kid had general influence on these factors when purchasing merchandises. However, proposing the monetary value was one of the factors that all three members of the household agreed that the kid does non hold influence on the monetary value of merchandises ( Foxman, Tansuhaj, A ; Ekstrom, 1989 ) . This concludes that non merely does the kids themselves think they have influence throughout the determination doing procedure on merchandises but the other members of the household besides agree that kids should hold their say. Overall, household members sing adolescent purchase determination influence came to the decision that: Fam ilies that agreed on the same degree of kids s influence had older male parents, a concept-oriented household communicating manner, less kids, and a female parent who was a homemaker. This would propose that a household three allow their kid have more influence than a household with more kids would. Other household types does the kid have more power in a single-parent household? There are different types of households where a kid can act upon on household determination devising when purchasing merchandises. Family threes are one but there are besides single-parent and step households. Integral households can besides hold more than one kid significance there are more kids to hold an influence on the determination devising. There has been a growing in rapid societal alteration over the old ages where parents are disassociating, kids are populating with lone one of their parents or populating with people that are from another household due to one of the parents falling in love with person else. The more a household has differences, the more likely they will hold to confront troubles when doing of import determinations as consumers ( californium. Rindfleisch, Burroughs, and Denton 1997 ) . Children gain their cognition and information through events such as traveling to school, eating out and engineering. However, their household members are one of the most of i mport beginnings a kid could perchance hold through their period of consumer acquisition ( Moschis and Churchill 1978 ; Moschis and Moore 1979 ; Ward 174 ) . This contributes to the fact that kids grow up surrounded by their household ; hence they learn from their female parents, male parents or an older sibling. Depending on what household type the kid belongs to, there will be a different degree of how much influence they have. Surveies ( Darley and Lim 1986 ) show that kids in single-parent households had greater influence in a household outing determination than did kids in dual-parent households, but did non determine between integral and step-families. If a kid has to convert two parents, it may be hard as they will both hold different sentiments on merchandises or will hold the same sentiment which will overturn the kid, hence a kid s influence in a single-parent family will be much stronger as there are less people to convert and the bond between the kid and parent will be s tronger as they have went through certain fortunes to stop up on their ain. Two parents can fall in forces to endorse up each other when they do nt hold with the kid s influence when buying a merchandise ( Mangleburg, Grewal, A ; Bristol, 1999 ) . This will do the kids s influence weaker compared to the single-parent family which appears to be much stronger. A single-parent family is seen as the household type to allow the kid have a stronger influence on determination devising when buying merchandises as the kid merely has one parent to make their parental responsibilities which means the parent will hold failings in parental control and happen it hard to be the foreman all the clip intending the kid will hold more independency and equal rights to act upon to equilibrate out the household ( Dornbusch et al. 1985 ; Hetherington 1988 ; Thomson, McLanahan, and Curtin 1992 ) . Family type does hold an impact on striplings influence on determination devising and specifically, kids in single-parent households had greater influence in both types of determinations as compared with kids in measure households and integral households ( Mangleburg, Grewal, A ; Bristol, 1999 ) . Merchandises kids have more influence on Junk nutrients, playthings, childs apparels and accoutrements for school are a few of the chief merchandises that kids have been known to hold a strong influence on ( Mangleburg T. F. , 1990 ) . This information suggests that kids have more power over merchandises and services that they will be sing themselves as kids tend to hold more of an influence in merchandise subdivisions that are most important to the kids themselves ( Beatty and Talpade, 1994 ) . Contrasting, kids do nt hold much of an influence on determination devising for merchandises that are expensive and non used merely by the kid ( Foxman et al.,1989a, 1989b ) . Expensive points such as autos, Television s and furniture are non influenced as much by kids as these as more expensive bargain. The grownups of the family feel they have more influence on bigger merchandises that will impact the whole of the household. Surveies from the Journal of Consumer Research ( Foxman, Tansuhaj, A ; Ekstrom, 1989 ) back this up as ou t of 161 households from North Western Towns, Both the parents and kids feel that the parents should hold more say overall on merchandises such as Home computing machines, autos, furniture and overseas telegram Television. It appears that kids do hold a strong influence when it comes to determination devising in the household based on buying merchandises. However, the kid s influence on certain merchandises is weaker than the parents due to the monetary value and who uses the merchandise. Although some research has found next to nil child influence for bigger, household bargains, others have found higher degrees of influence than was foreseen by earlier research ( Foxman A ; Tansuhaj 1988 ; Lee and Beatty 2002 ) . Family vacations and events that see the household come together to hold merriments are other purchase determinations that kids can play a portion in influencing ( Mangleburg T. F. , 1990 ) . These merchandises are seen as expensive and a dainty for all the household, thi s shows that some writers may happen that kids do nt hold much influence on expensive merchandises whereas others will happen kids do hold influence on merchandises more expensive than apparels and nutrient. Grocery shopping within different households It has been proven that kids have more influence on nutrient shopping than expensive bargains in the last subdivision of this reappraisal. It has besides been proven that kids have different degrees of influence in different household types whether it is a single-parent or dual-parent household. Studies show even though kids have a strong influence on buying nutrient, the degree of influence differs depending on what household the kid belongs to. Children in single-parent households are more likely to take portion in household undertakings, such as traveling shopping than other kids do in bigger households with their parent s relationship still integral. ( Weiss 1979 ; Taylor, Glynn, and Taylor 1985 ; Peters 1985 ) . This would propose that the kid in the single-parent household will take part more in act uponing what is bought for the food market store compared to the dual-parent household where there are more people to act upon what is bought. Summary and decision Adolescents influence the determination doing procedure in the household when buying merchandises. However, there are different degrees of influence and this depends on what household type the kid belongs to as this has an consequence on how the parents relationship with the kid helps or hinders on how much influence the kid has when the determination devising procedure is being done when purchasing new merchandises differing from food markets, apparels and vacations. The reappraisal helped come to the decision that the most of import behavior for a kid when they influence determination devising is the usage of cognition and information. Knowledge and Information is a important function in warranting the kid s pick of merchandises and is the chief factor on how they influence on the purchasing phase. It has been discovered that a kid s influence entirely on their ain against both parents can sometimes be overruled by the parents. This is when the kid forms a alliance to acquire more support to derive a stronger influence on the determination doing procedure It was distinguished that a important figure of alliances occurred between female parents and girls than female parents and boies reasoning that when the same-sex members of a household unite to act upon a determination on a merchandise that they have more power than what different-sex members would ( Beatty A ; Talpade 1994 ) . This reappraisal suggested that different household types determined the degree of influence the kid had, this included single-parent households, triad households and measure households. However, female parents, male parents and kids all agreed that kids play a portion in act uponing a figure of merchandises in purchase determinations ( Foxman, Tansuhaj, A ; Ekstrom, 1989 ) . Products that kids have more influence on were besides researched. Findingss suggest that merchandises that are really used by the kid themselves and non expensive were found to be the merchandises kids had m ore influence on whereas kids have been found to hold less influence on determinations doing for merchandises that are more expensive and are non merely used by the kid themselves ( Foxman et al.,1989a, 1989b ) . Grocery shopping is another group of merchandises that kids have influence on and the degree of influence depends on what household type they belong to. It was found that kids belonging to the single-parent household have more influence than kids in a dual-parent household. Overall there are different degrees of influence a kid has when the household are doing determinations and it all depends on household types, kids behaviour and the merchandises in inquiry.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Ask a Literary Publicist Vol 2 First Steps and Social
Ask a Literary Publicist Vol 2 First Steps and Social Ask an Award-Winning Literary Publicist #2 First Steps and Social Media Sandra Goroff is a veteran award-winning literary publicist with Reedsy. Over her illustrious 30-year (and counting) career, she has worked in-house at Houghton Mifflin and represented authors the likes of Clive Cussler, Maurice Sendak, Chris Van Allsburg, Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas, and former president Jimmy Carter.In her second guest post, Sandy will answer questions submitted by authors, shining some light on how to best approach publicity as an author.(Face)book publicityQ: â€Å"What does a publicist cover in today’s social media environment?†You are right that social media has changed the landscape of publicity. It has transformed much, but not all of it. It is only one (albeit an important one) of the many tools and venues we use to promote our work, and, in this instance, books and authors.The social networksThe benefit that professional publicists bring to the process is all about experience, access and contacts.  An experienced publicist brings years of strong working relationships to the table. They know how to develop story angles, use the news, find the journalists and writers, match you with appropriate media (print, broadcast and social), build upon your core audience, and maximize exposure. In addition, they understand timing, how to work (or not work) with bookstores, set up events, and, when needed, how to collaborate with an in-house team.This does not mean that a hard-working author - even a first time author - cannot do this by themselves, for themselves. It means that most of time, a good publicist can do it faster and more effectively, with all the right contacts and know-how already in place. The learning curve for first time writers (or all authors who are writers and not publicists) is steep. And while all things are possible, it depends on how hard you want to work and whether you are familiar with this often overwhelming world. Is there anything you’d like to ask Sandy about book publicity? Drop your question at this link and it might feature in our next column.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Compare and contrast - Essay Example In Sonny’s Blues, the narrator laments about the darkness and hopelessness in his community, which were traits that existed in his ancestor’s communities and still continue to trouble youth in his generation. Sonny’s brother weeps for the boys of his community because they use heroin and other drugs, yet it seems that they are pushed into drug-taking and selling simply because other prospects for success do not exist. As he rides through the streets of Harlem, he finds history repeating itself through the youth of his time; it is almost as if black people have no hope but to resign to their fate. Likewise, Barton Fink also lives in a world where he can do little to change his circumstances; initially he seemed like a successful playwright, in charge of his world. However, when his agent informs him of an opportunity to transition into film by working in Hollywood, Fink jumps at the opportunity. Little does he know that once he signs the contract, he will be entra pped in the highly demanding, yet unforgiving world of filmmaking. Barton is frustrated when he dances and celebrates about completing his script, only to realize that his boss Lipnick thinks it is too rosy to be any good. The Capital Pictures owner then decides that he will punish Barton by keeping him in the studio even though none of Barton’s films will be produced there. Therefore, the budding writer must honor terms of his contract without necessarily gaining from them materially or professionally, so he is entrapped by the employment system. Writing films is a flaky affair, where writers surrender themselves to the whims of their eccentric employers; most of them may hold a lot of promise but may never realize it when they get into the wrong deal (Dunne 308). If something minor occurs, it is likely that those same individuals will get blamed for it, and everything else that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Research Paper - 4
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) - Research Paper Example 52).). Delaney clause on the other hand states that carcinogenic in food is unacceptable. Through this it protects public health and especially children who are vulnerable. However, every alternative to Delaney incorporates some risk assessment which defines certain levels of acceptable risks. Delaney clause is subject to some limitations in prioritizing the level of risk management for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. One of the problems is that it does not take into account the exact risk that a carcinogenic substance can pose once consumed (Dickey, p. 42). This is because the analytical chemistry has been improved and can detect even smaller quantities of chemicals as chemicals have become widely used nowadays. Regulatory agencies are thus faced with difficulties in trying to administer Delaney’s Clause because it applies to quantities used in large amounts and can easily be detected. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confronted this problem by using quantitative risk assessment and set a standard known as â€Å"de minis†, which held that risk was negligible if a carcinogenic food additive was concentrated at less than 1part in 1,000,000 (Dickey, p. 45). The issue regarding pesticides use for which Delaney’s Clause prohibited also had limitations. This is found in section 409 and it poses difficulties to those agencies which has the mandate to regulate pesticides (Shimada and Fujii-Kuriyama, p. 71). Agencies like Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) conflicts with Delaney’s Clause because they license the sale of pesticides and most probably if they are of more benefit to the country than the risk they pose. This is contrary to Delaney’s Clause which does not take into account the risk-benefit analysis but have a clear conclusion that if the pesticide in a food additive is evident to cause cancer inhuman being or in animals then it should
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Effective Communication Essay Example for Free
Effective Communication Essay Make a list (in note form) of some of the techniques you have developed to enable you to communicate effectively with the CYP you work with. OR Write a brief account of some work you have done in the past two years with a YP who had communication problems,which were not due to a disability. Ensure the YP could not be identified from your account, by changing some personal deatails. Good communication is central to working with children, and young people, It is a fundamental part of the Common Core. It involves listening, questioning, understanding and responding to what is being communicated by the CYP‘. It is important to be able to communicate both on a one-on-one basis and in a group context. Communication is not just about the words I use, but also my manner of speaking, body language and, above all, the effectiveness with which I can listen. To communicate effectively it is important to take account of culture and context, for example where English is an additional language. Effective engagement requires me to involve the CYP’s in the design and delivery of services and decisions that affect them. It is important for me to consult with them and consider their opinions and perspectives from the outset. A key part of my effective communication and engagement is trust, both between the workforce, children and young people. To build a rapport with the CYP’s , I understand that it is important for me to demonstrate understanding, respect and honesty. Continuity in relationships promotes engagement and the improvement of their lives.. * I am always aware that the CYP may not have understood what I have communicated * I Know that communication is a two-way process * I Know how to listen to people, make them feel valued and involved, and know when it is important to focus on the individual rather than the group. * I am aware of different ways of communicating, including electronic channels, and understand barriers to communication. . * I Know how to report and record information formally and informally in the appropriate way. I listen and build empathy by * Developing and using effective communication systems that are appropriate to them * I Establish a good rapport and respectful, trusting relationship with the children. I Build a rapport and develop relationships using the appropriate form of communication (for example, spoken language, play, body language). * Communicate effectively with all children. * I Hold conversations at the appropriate time and place, understanding the value of day to day contact. * I ensure I’m always aware that some children and young people do not communicate verbally and that I would need to adapt my style of communication to meet their needs and abilities. * I Understand the effects of non-verbal communication such as body language, and appreciate that different cultures use and interpret body language in different ways. * I Build open and honest relationships by respecting CYP and make them feel valued * I Actively listen in a calm, open, non-threatening manner and use questions to check understanding and acknowledge that I have heard what is being said. * I Summarise situations in the appropriate way for the individual (taking into account factors such as background, age and personality). * I Explain clearly to the CYP what kind of information I may have to share with others. * I Explain what has happened or will happen next and check their understanding and where appropriate, their consent to the process. * I Let the child know that I am interested and involved and that I will help them if and when needed. * I Turn off the television or stop what I am doing when a child wants to talk or avoid taking a telephone call when a child has something important to tell me. * Unless other people are specifically meant to be included, I hold conversations in privacy. The best communication between myself and a child will occur when others are not around. * I never Embarrass a child or putt them on the spot in front of others as this will lead to resentment and hostility, not good communication. * I’m aware of my height and I Don’t tower over a child. I Physically get down to the child’s level then talk. * If I am very angry about a behaviour or an incident, I don’t attempt communication until I regain my cool, because I cannot be objective until then. I have learnt that It is better to stop, settle down, and talk to the child later * If I’m very tired, I try to make an extra effort to be an active listener. Genuine active listening is hard work and is very difficult when your mind and body are already tired. * I Listen carefully and politely. I Don’t interrupt the child when they are trying to tell their story * I Don’t ask why, I ask what happened. * If I have knowledge of a situation, I will confront the child with the information that I know or have been told. * I never use put-down words or statements: dumb, stupid, lazy: * I will Assist a child in planning some specific steps to the solution. * I Show that i accept the child for themselves, regardless of what they have or have not done * I try to Reinforce the child for keeping communication open. I Do this by accepting them and praising their efforts to communicate * I use encouraging phases especially with children diagnosed with ADHD as these children may need more praise than the average child. And Unfortunately, because of their behaviour they often receive less. It is important to communicate clearly with children, honestly stating feelings and expectations. Not only do children pay attention to our words, they also react to our tone of voice and body language as well. Because communication is a complex process, it’s important to think of the implications of wh at we say Task 2 Using personal experience or some information either from the seminar or a trustworthy source on the internet, describe how you have used or could use aids to communicate with YP’s who have some form of disability, and indicate the kinds of conditions you have encountered, or may encounter in your work. Very briefly list some other aids to communicate which you could explore and utilise , should the need arise. I have recently had experience working with a child who had a form Of a disability,( Autism)To communicate with them I used A communication passport with pictures, photographs, words and symbols to share important information about the child’s needs, interests and their ways of communicating. The child took this passport into different settings so that everyone is well informed, I.e. meetings school, club, outside activities etc. It was important for this child to be aware of who was working with them in advance so we made a photo wall, all staff members pictures were taken and placed on the wall and during the day and especially at bedtimes staff would go over the wall with the child explaining who would be working with them the following day. I also used a pictorial book in much the same way, The child needed structure and stability and gained this from knowing exactly what would happen who with and when, In the morning I would sit down with the child before school explain who would be taking them to school; in what vehicle, what teachers they would be seeing today, what lessons they had today. What time staff would be collecting them in what vehicle and then go over in detail what they would be doing after school. Conditions I have encountered or may encounter in my work is not knowing fully if a child has understood everything I’ve communicated with them I have learnt that People with a learning disability may appear to understand, but may actually be responding to my tone of voice, or familiar cues in the situation. They may misunderstand, forget or not catch some of what I have said. They may often say yes in answering questions, even if they do not fully understand sometimes because they do not want to make difficulties. They may not be able to contradict me if I have misunderstood what they mean or want. They may be bilingual, and have greater skills in one language than another. Some children may take longer to process what I am saying. Others may find physical movement or speech a big effort, so it will take them longer to respond. It is important to never over estimate the skills. †¢ Make sure the child can hear, see and is comfortable †¢ Make sure hearing aids or glasses are used if necessary, and that they work properly! †¢ Make sure talk clear and allow the child to read lips if necessary †¢ Use sign /gesture and pictures to back up speech †¢ Make sure information is presented clearly for people to see †¢ Make sure people are positioned for good communication – seating is key †¢ Make sure the environment is quiet and there are not too many distractions †¢ Check out general health and comfort– are they in pain, physical difficulties, or experiencing the effects of medication (tired or sleepy). †¢ Make sure the child can see hands and faces if signing and talking. †¢ Give enough time for the child to listen and respond. †¢ Check that i have understood by talking to others, helping the person to tell me when I have got it wrong. I don’t pretend I can understand if I really can’t! †¢ Make sure you language is kept simple and clear. †¢ Gain the child’s attention before starting to talk.  †¢ Show that I respect a persons way of communicating by using it to them. †¢ Make sure communication books/aids are used and not stuck in a cupboard! †¢ display good observational skills, respond to all communicative signal †¢ Be patient and don’t give up trying †¢ Leave if the person is becoming agitated Other aids to communicate * Pictures and symbols can help *Information can be written and presented in symbol or pictorial form. * Pictures and photographs can be used to illustrate written material. Communication aids: * Children can join in by pressing a switch operated aid with voice output to say, yes I agree/no, I dont or some communication aids have more complex language *Objects of reference†can be used to cue people about what is going to happen.: play football-show them a football, show them a cup for asking if they want a drink *Calendar boxes can be used to make object timetables of activities happening in the week *â€Å"Memory Boxes†are collections of meaningful artefacts and photos associated with events and can be used as the basis for conversation, and to help recall. Anything can be used for this and everyday objects of natural materials are good to use with people who have sensory difficulties. * â€Å"Multimedia Profiling†is a process which creates a personal catalogue of video clips on the computer which build up a profile of an individual. The person can be in control of their own information through switch or touch screen, and can choose when and how to share it with others. Task 3 Which government websites can you use to access up to date information and evidence based examples of good practice? Give one e.g. of something you have learned from one of these websites. How will you disseminate your learning to colleagues?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Black Holes Essay -- essays research papers
Black Holes Black holes are objects so dense that not even light can escape their gravity, and since nothing can travel faster than light, nothing can escape from inside a black hole. Loosely speaking, a black hole is a region of space that has so much mass concentrated in it that there is no way for a nearby object to escape its gravitational pull. Since our best theory of gravity at the moment is Einstein's general theory of relativity, we have to delve into some results of this theory to understand black holes in detail, by thinking about gravity under fairly simple circumstances. Suppose that you are standing on the surface of a planet. You throw a rock straight up into the air. Assuming you don't throw it too hard, it will rise for a while, but eventually the acceleration due to the planet's gravity will make it start to fall down again. If you threw the rock hard enough, though, you could make it escape the planet's gravity entirely. It would keep on rising forever. The speed with which you need to throw the rock in order that it just barely escapes the planet's gravity is called the "escape velocity." As you would expect, the escape velocity depends on the mass of the planet: if the planet is extremely massive, then its gravity is very strong, and the escape velocity is high. A lighter planet would have a smaller escape velocity. The escape velocity also depends on how far you are from the planet's center: the closer you are, the higher the escape velocity . The Earth's escape velocity is 11.2 kilometers per second (about 25,000 M.P.H.), while th e Moon's is only 2.4 kilometers per second (about 5300 M.P.H.). We cannot see it, but radiation is emitted by any matter that gets swallowed by black hole in the form of X-rays. Matter usually orbits a black hole before being swallowed. The matter spins very fast and with other matter forms an accretion disk of rapidly spinning matter. This accretion disk heats up through friction to such high temperatures that it emits X-rays. And also there is some X-ray sources which have all the properties described above. Unfortunately it is impossible to distinguish between a black hole and a neutron star unless we can prove that the mass of the unseen component is too great for a neutron star. Strong evidence was found by Royal Greenwich Observatory astronomers that one of these sources called Cyg X-1 (whic... ...detect this radiation was Joseph Weber. He eventually came up with the first bar gravity-wave detector. This was a long aluminum cylinder, 2m by  ½m, that should be compressed with an incoming gravity wave. To detect this compression he wired piezoelectric crystals, which respond to pressure by generating an electric current, to the outside surface of the bar. Although it didn't work, other bar detectors were built that used a device called a stroboscopic sensor to filter out random vibrations. This was an ingenious device, but it too proved to be a non-contributor in the advancement of learning more of the galaxy. Just as X-ray astronomy went from simple detectors in the noses of rockets to full fledged X-ray telescopes housed in orbiting satellites, and radio astronomy went from crude dishes to continent spanning arrays, gravity wave detectors may show a completely new spectrum. And, just as X-rays brought a completely new universe into focus, one can hardly imagine what a gr avitational view of the universe will reveal. At the very least, we will have definitive proof or denial of black holes, but we may find that black holes are some of the more subtle features of the universe.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Money Over Power Beyond its Fate Essay
Money is the root of all evil. It is the most powerful thing in the world besides love. Sometimes money can ruin love in a friendship, relationship, or even worse family. Money can even decide the fate of a human’s life. â€Å"There is so much about my fate that I cannot control, but other things do fall under the jurisdiction. I can decide how I spend my time, whom I interact with, whom I share my body and life and money and energy with. I can select what I can read and eat and study. I can choose how I’m going to regard unfortunate circumstances in my life-whether I will see them as curses or opportunities. I can choose my words and the tone of voice in which I speak to others. And most of all, I can choose my thoughts.†(Elizabeth Gilbert). In the movie, â€Å"No Country for Old Men,†A character by the name of, Llewelyn Moss, is caught in the cross fires of money, his actions, his thoughts, and most of all his own fate. Throughout the movie he is in a constant rat race with a man who goes by the name of, Anton Chigurh, who is a hit man that was hired to get the money that moss had stumbled upon and taken. Ofcourse Moss did not have to take this money and if he didn’t he wouldn’t be dealing with money, power, or the very predetermined fate of himself throughout the movie. Chigur also acts an officer of fate making up his own rules as he sees fit. Although Moss’s character may represent free will he also represents the fate that people make on their life after making one poor decision. Not only does this money ruin the fate of moss but it always toys with the fate of Moss’s wife, the owner of the gas station, and the children who were paid off to keep quiet. Some may say that it is not money that is the root of all evil but it is power. So does money and power go hand in hand? With money you have the power to control whatever you want, and with the most power you gain fear in others as well as continue to gain money from those who fear you. In â€Å"No Country for Old men†there is a constant battle between the power money holds on oneself as well as the fate of a life through money. The first time money determines a person’s fate is during the coin flip at the gas station. When Chigurh realizes that the man working at the counter knows where he is from, he now becomes a witness of who Chigurh is and where he may be from. Maybe if the man would have just been quiet in the first place instead of trying to use the small talk and be friendly Chigurh would have never even have to have the thought of killing the man in the first place. But because the man is the person he is and just wanted to help â€Å"time pass†it pulled a spark and brought the whole conversation in another direction. Chigurh then begins to question the man. What time do you close? Do you stay out back? What time do you go to sleep? The Owner knew he was in some type of trouble and quickly tries to hurry the man out of his store so that he can reach some type of safe zone between him and Chigurh. The conversation continues and that’s when it starts to get a little interesting. Chigurh finds out that the man was married into the business. He didn’t want it nor did he save his earnings but fate brought him to that gas station and Fate would determine his life in a coin toss. â€Å"It is interesting, however, to note the way Chigurh and the Proprietor discuss the stakes of the game. The Proprietor is no doubt aware of the danger he’s in, but is carefully trying to determine the nature of the danger. They both avoid talking about the stakes of the game directly  the Proprietor, because if he says it, it might happen; Chigurh, because he considers himself an agent of Fate. Discussing it directly would make him responsible, and he’s not; the evil swirling through the film is bigger than this one man†( Fate had played a life saving role in this man’s life but so did money. The flip the coin would determine his fate and that is when we right back on the subject of how which played a bigger role? The coin had all the power, although it was an instrument of the fate the man would determine on his own it still had the power. So can we really say that his fate was the reason this man is still alive? In the owners good graces he won the coin coin flip and his life was spared. But what if he had lost that coin flip? Do you really think Chigurgh would have killed an innocent man just because he noticed where he was from? Well that question could have been answered at the end of the movie when Chigurgh shows up at Moss’s wife, Carla Jean’s, house. Carla Jean finds herself seated across from the emotionless Chigurh. Chigurh had promised Moss that he would allow Carla Jean to live if the money was returned to Chigurh. He assures Moss that it is the best deal he has to offer. Moss would have died either way but Chigurh promises Moss that he would not harm his wife as long as Moss listened to him. But of course determining the fate of himself and his wife Moss chooses not to listen to Chigurhs orders. It is really heartbreaking at this point in the movie because we all know Carla Jean is going to die. The power money has on a person is quite disgusting in this movie because we see that Moss truly chose his money over his wife. Chigurh tells Carla Jean that Moss could have saved her but the power of money had taken over Moss’s mind and moss made a decision for them both to suffer. â€Å"You don’t have to do this†Carla jean tells Chigurh. Chigurh then chooses to offer her the same coin flip option that he had previously offered the lucky old man at the gas station. Unlike the old man, Carla Jean refuses to call it when asked, even after the coin had been flipped and was just waiting to be called â€Å"The coin don’t have no say in it – it’s just you.†Chigurh again points out that he â€Å"got here the same way as the coin did.†Fate brought him to her house because of her husband and the power of money is what would kill Carl Jean in the end. Not only doe Chigurh try determining the fate of others, He also tries to determine the fate of himself. At the end of the movie when Chigurh is hit he pays a boy to keep quiet and act like nothing ever happened. Why would Chigurh do this? He is using his money to determine his fate. Chigurh knows that the lower his profile the less chances he will have of getting caught and going to prison for the illegal activity he has had going on. All in all none of these people had to do what they did. These were the choices they made and because of that, fate had a new twist on their life. Moss did not have to steal the money but he knew with more money came the happiness him and his wife had been working for. Maybe he did it out of love or maybe he was just being greedy we will never really know. Even Chigurh had the choice to not kill all those people because of Moss. All of those people who had died was a predetermined fate that was out of their control. Fate, in this movie, obviously came in more than one sub category. The money meant power and the power controlled ones fate. â€Å"Every moment in your life is a turning and every one a choosing. Somewhere you made a choice. All followed to this. The accounting is scrupulous. The shape is drawn. No line can be erased. I had no belief in your ability to move a coin to your bidding. How could you? A person’s path through the world seldom changes and even more seldom will it change abruptly. And the shape of your path was visible from the beginning.†(coen 259)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The History of the Noose and its Significance to African
The origins of the noose, also known as the hangman’s knot, has been associated with the capital punishment more pronounced during the Elizabethan times. The noose has strikingly evoked a kind of historical perspective quite commonly associated with death as a punishment for crimes committed. In Britain, the noose was often looped into one end where a man’s neck could easily fit and allowed to hang and apparently die of strangulation from the tightening loop or by a breakage of the hanged man’s vertebra. Its positioning is seen to coincide with the angle of the jaw in order to make sure that the head is thrown backwards by the rope so that the force is transmitted into the neck vertebrae rather than being thrown forward and the force taken on the throat which tends to cause strangulation. In our modern era however, the noose signifies for many a corrosive ingredient to an otherwise risky social practice of racism. In the first part of the 20th century, the practice of lynching was ascribed to stifle mob violence due in part to an ineffective law enforcement agency (Apel, 2004:49). From the torturous slave trade era, the nooses of the Ku Klux Klan evoked a sign for the Black society to remain passive and stand defenseless in the face of any racist assault (Bobo, 2004: 140). In the historical opposition to black voting rights, representation and summary punishments, the lyncher’s noose represented white supremacy (Grant, 2001: 101). Purpose of the Study and Statement of the Problem It is therefore to the best interest of everyone to be able to identify the origins of the hangman’s knot or the noose in the current period. Such knowledge leads to the understanding of how the hangman’s noose is currently associated to an issue of importance to the Black American society in the US. In the history of hate crimes and lynching against the Black Americans and other marginalized sectors, the rope has often symbolized hatred. In the face of modernity and globalization, and equal rights for every American, the interpretation of the hangman’s noose as an action is still often seen as an over reaction in a climate full of questions relative to racism and supremacy. The meaning behind the noose and its presence has been seen by the Black community as denoting racial hatred and white power. However, amidst a modern and diverse society that has publicized political correctness; every American is faced with the question on its proper interpretation and to discuss the rightful censorship of the act. Will there be a chance when people will stop reacting to the noose and somehow understand that this is just an overblown racial rhetoric or will the culture and climate of racism fit for censorship or punishment? Review of Literature When a white police officer placed a hangman’s noose on the motorcycle of a black policeman in Boston, the black policeman complained that he was being victimized by the white officer. Although investigative reports did reveal that no racial motives were behind the act, the black officer claimed that, â€Å"no one can just hang a noose near any black man who knew his history and say that it does not have a tremendous significance†(Blum, 2002:2). The consequences for such an action in some states like Miami has allowed black employees who were subjected to an intimidating presence of a hangman’s noose in the office of Adelphia Communication’s manager to collect a $1 million settlement (Apel, 2004:17). Suddenly a spate of similar incidents are happening across the country where a noose was left for a black workman at a construction site in South Elgin while a woman in Queens, New York brandishes a noose to threaten her black neighbors. Pitts also reported for the Chicago Tribune how a noose was left on the door of a black professor at Columbia University that stands to investigate the recent spate actions (Pitts, Oct. 2007). History had associated the noose as a tool for capital punishment against criminals during the Elizabethan times. The United States whose justice system was patterned after England’s has adapted death by hanging to convicted and ruthless crime offenders. The fall of slave trade after the Civil War marked a quest for civil rights that soon catered to the emergence of groups opposed to Black freedom and rights. The Ku Klux Klan became an effective and organized movement against Black rights who once exercised a reign of terror using the symbolic gesture of the noose to evoke fear among the blacks and other minorities (Grant, 2001: 100). The memory of lynching still runs fresh on the hearts and minds of the targeted Black population along with other minorities (Reid-Pharr, 1999: 126).In the last few years of the 20th century, even after the successful allowance of equal rights for every American citizen, random incidents of lynching with the symbolic use of the hangman’s noose despite progress and modernization (Diuguid, 2007: 149). Findings and Analysis Despite progress and modernity, it is observed that the memory of lynching particularly with the symbolic use of the noose is seen as a persistent wound to the Black American society. Authors Bobo, et, al (2004) Apel (2004) Blum (2002) have a similar idea that the noose is seen as a predicament for the Blacks and other minorities in the societies whether they were intended as a joke or otherwise. The noose has seen an association and a symbol of white supremacy and hatred against the African Americans in the United States. In light of the spate and re-emergence of noose lynching around the country, many Black populations could not bring themselves to understand despite comprehensive investigation that it was a prank (Pitts, 2007). Many look back to the atrocities committed against the blacks and other minorities and regard the handful of happenings as an apparent move to stifle violence perpetrated by the marginalized communities (Wallace, 1999:32). Random incidents which have happened in relations to actions commonly associated with the hangman’s noose dismissed such incidents although an astonishing response that condemned such atrocity could be heard by both white and black communities who were both offended (Diuguid, 2007:19). Although nothing was done, many African-Americans were hurt about the incident (Diuguid, 2007:21). In the exercise of political ideals in the face of diversity, such racial slurs and symbolic forms of hatred has no room in the American egalitarian society as the black population struggle to pursue a more decent and humane existence for their families (Wallace, 1999: 32). Such things that should be forgotten cannot simply be delegated immediately to the memory banks because many still experience feelings of hurt and marginalization after hearing of community members being subjected to such treatment. Although the youths have experienced minor blows to resulting from racism in comparison to their forefathers, Black culture still appreciates the deep roots of their black culture and will continue to feel hurt and rejection as a response to random and symbolic act of the hangman’s noose. Conclusion The notoriety of the noose however, lies not only in its use as a method of capital punishment. It has also been associated as a racial hate symbol, so far being used in the United States against African-Americans. This is in reference to the various forms of extermination performed against African-Americans in the rural South in the past. To address such, the use of nooses for the intention of perpetrating a hate crime, or using nooses as a racial hate symbol, was actually made illegal under U.S. law. Recently, there have been cases where the hanging of nooses was done at American universities in what many see may be a resurgence of the symbol. In totality, nooses however can be said to be very significant to African-Americans, as it tries to represent a direct attack on their African American race. The move to make it illegal was definitely a step in the right direction. Just as the noose gained its reputation with being a form of capital punishment, it too has become a racially charged symbol that continues to affect African-Americans today. It will therefore be a difficult option to encourage Black Americans to forget about the noose and its symbolism. Their deeply embedded culture is taught to every Black child in order for him to appreciate his importance in the struggle for equality. Reference Apel, Dora. 2004. Imagery of Lynching: Black Men, White Women, and the Mob. Rutgers University. Blum, Lawrence. 2002. I’m Not a Racist, But.. The Moral Quandary of Race. Cornell University Press. Bobo, Jacqueline, Hudley, Cynthia and Michel, Claudine. 2004. The Black Studies Reader. Routledge. Diuguid, Lewis. 2007. Discovering the Real America: Toward a More Perfect Union. Grant, Donald. 2001. The Way It Was in the South: The Black Experience in Georgia. University of Georgia. Pitts, Leonard. 2007. The History of the Rope. Chicago: Tribune.October. Reid-Pharr, Robert. 1999. Conjugal Union: The Body, the House, and the Black American. University Press. Roberts, James D. 2005. A Black Political Theology. Westminster John Knox. Wallace, Michele. 1999. Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman. Verso.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Masque Of The Red Death
In the "Masque of the Red Death", Poe uses his imagination throughout the story (Rogers 43). A plague has devastated the entire country. It takes only half an hour tofor the course of the disease to run. At first one feels sharp pains and dizziness. Then one starts bleeding at the pores. The disease results in death. Prince Prospero has ordered one thousand lords and ladies to the deep seclusion of one of his abbeys. The building was built by the Prince and is filled with his exotic ornaments. It is sealed from the outside world by a huge wall with iron gates. Inside the building are dancers, musicians, and everything they need in order to stay secluded until the plague runs its course. After six months of seclusion, the Prince decides to hold a masked ball. The ball is held in a suite with seven rooms. Each room is decorated in a single color. The last room is decorated in red. Within this room stands a huge clock that strikes the hour with a heavy clang. The rooms are very crowded for the ball. At the stroke of midnight, a guest is seen in a costume of the red death itself and This frightens the other guests. The Prince is angered at what he believes to be a practical joke. He orders the stranger seized and hanged from the battlements. Prince Prospero follows the stranger into the red chamber. It is there that Prince Prospero falls dead at the feet of the stranger. The others capture the unknown person in the costume. To their horror they find there is no living form in the costume. One by one they die until no one else remains. Death is king of all (Rogers 41). "The horror abysmal darkness, and absolute helplessness befalling the victims are described with vivid accuracy in tales such as 'The Fall of the House of Usher,' 'The Cask of Amontillado,' and 'The Premature Burial' (Perry XI-XII)." In "The Fall of the House of Usher," the narrator visits his ... Free Essays on Masque Of The Red Death Free Essays on Masque Of The Red Death Honestly, fiction stories are not my favorite type of genre. I would much rather read a biography on one of my favorite athletes or a novel based on a true story. However, Edgar Allen Poe’s use of setting made â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†a very enjoyable story for me. I really feel the story come alive as I read it. The enormous amount of detail that Poe uses, truly demonstrates his descriptive abilities. The details make the story believable, add irony, and create an atmosphere appropriate for the â€Å"Red Death.†Even though â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†is a fictional story, Poe makes it seem very realistic. His description of the setting paints such a clear image of the scene that one cannot help but to believe it is true. This manipulation is due to the great detail the writer focuses on throughout the story. Seemingly, more of the story is setting, rather than actual action. With descriptions of things such as the Red Death and the imperial suite, the author creates a believable image in the mind of the reader. This creation of images is very important to the story. Without these images, things such as the arrival of the Red Death would not be credible. Poe also creates irony throughout the story. His description of the castle states that â€Å"a strong and lofty wall girdled it,†and that the gates were welded shut (327). This causes the reader to believe that nothing can happen to the prince and his people as long as they are inside. Ironically, the wall and gate which were intended to keep the Red Death outside of the castle, actually trap it inside. Poe leaves clues that suggest that this may occur. He mentions that the welded gates prevented egress as well as ingress. This means that if something has already entered, there is no way for it to get out. In this way, Poe uses his setting to create irony in his story. Poe also does a great job of creating an appropriate atmosphere for the Red D... Free Essays on Masque of the Red Death In the "Masque of the Red Death", Poe uses his imagination throughout the story (Rogers 43). A plague has devastated the entire country. It takes only half an hour tofor the course of the disease to run. At first one feels sharp pains and dizziness. Then one starts bleeding at the pores. The disease results in death. Prince Prospero has ordered one thousand lords and ladies to the deep seclusion of one of his abbeys. The building was built by the Prince and is filled with his exotic ornaments. It is sealed from the outside world by a huge wall with iron gates. Inside the building are dancers, musicians, and everything they need in order to stay secluded until the plague runs its course. After six months of seclusion, the Prince decides to hold a masked ball. The ball is held in a suite with seven rooms. Each room is decorated in a single color. The last room is decorated in red. Within this room stands a huge clock that strikes the hour with a heavy clang. The rooms are very crowded for the ball. At the stroke of midnight, a guest is seen in a costume of the red death itself and This frightens the other guests. The Prince is angered at what he believes to be a practical joke. He orders the stranger seized and hanged from the battlements. Prince Prospero follows the stranger into the red chamber. It is there that Prince Prospero falls dead at the feet of the stranger. The others capture the unknown person in the costume. To their horror they find there is no living form in the costume. One by one they die until no one else remains. Death is king of all (Rogers 41). "The horror abysmal darkness, and absolute helplessness befalling the victims are described with vivid accuracy in tales such as 'The Fall of the House of Usher,' 'The Cask of Amontillado,' and 'The Premature Burial' (Perry XI-XII)." In "The Fall of the House of Usher," the narrator visits his ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
1,462 Basic Plot Types
1,462 Basic Plot Types 1,462 Basic Plot Types 1,462 Basic Plot Types By Michael For centuries, writers and critics have tried to put stories into basic categories. Ive written about the scientific quest for universal plot types using the Hedonometer and the theories of Kurt Vonnegut. My colleague Mark Nichol has written about several lists of types of plots: three types, seven types, another seven types, twenty types, and thirty six types. Before I reread Marks article, I thought I could combine them all and write my own article called The 69 Types of Plots. Then I heard about the 1928 book Plotto, where dime store novelist William Wallace Cook comes up with 1,462 basic plots. So it never ends. Is it really true that all stories fit into rigid plot types? Maybe not. Even Plottos categories dont always seem rigid to me. But human nature does dictate certain rules. Theres a reason why the Computational Story Laboratorys Hedonometer has a story type rise then fall then rise but not one called rise rise rise rise. Our emotions need a contrasting break. If you write an experimental story without either conflict or plot or character development, the result will probably not be innovative so much as it will be boring. If you decide to be clever by not tying up any loose ends, you will succeed in frustrating your reader instead of delighting him. No, certain plots are universally attractive, even if we dont understand why. Even business proposals are easier to adopt if they have a plot. The theories of psychoanalyst Carl Jung has deeply influenced several list-makers, such as Joseph Campbell (The Hero with a Thousand Faces) and Christopher Booker (The Seven Basic Plots). Jungs mythology has lost the lions share of the popularity it once held. But the fact that stories all over the world have common elements: thats more than a theory. Joseph Campbell describes 17 stages from Departure, Initiation, and Return. Christopher Bookers meta-plot has five elements: Anticipation Dream Frustration Nightmare Resolution Another theory which you might have learned in school says there are four types of plots. Here is my take on them: Dramatic the traditional chronological story, with a climax and a resolution. Episodic chronological but less linear and more loose, often made up of separate character-based episodes instead of a single story. Parallel two chronological stories are woven together. The focus may shift back and forth from the events of one character to the other. Flashback not chronological: events from the past are sometimes presented after events of the present. This can be interesting but confusing. When I looked at the lists in Marks article, I realized that some items are not mutually exclusive. Some lists have a different focus and basic types appear on more than one list. Also, your story can have more than one basic plot or conflict. The longer your story is, the longer you need to hold your readers interest, and the more plot elements or conflicts you will need to include. In Plotto, William Wallace Cook makes it to 1,462 by combining and recombining plot elements. One common list of plot types (man against x, man against y, man against z, etc.) is actually a list of conflict types, several of which can appear in a single story. In a classic amnesia tale, a man regains consciousness with no memory of who he is. He realizes he has driven his car off the road into a snowbank (or into a hole, making him a man in a hole.) He is able to start the car (person vs. technology) without freezing to death (person vs. nature). He goes to the home address on his drivers license and convinces the hostile woman who answers the door presumably his wife to let him in (person vs. person) while hiding the fact that he doesnt remember who she is. His personal calendar tells him he has an appointment in two hours, where he pretends to remember the woman hes meeting with, learning that they are leaders in a criminal conspiracy (person vs. society). That night, he dreams about his family and associates, He is tempted to deny the evil that he sees (person vs. self) and the fact, as it turns out, that he has dreamed actual events (person vs. supernatural). Aware now of what kind of life he has led, he must decide whether to change his life or continue on the same destructive path (person vs. higher power). Basic Plot Types (69 of them) Finally, heres a list of all the plot types referred to in Mark Nichols article: Overcoming the Monster Rags to Riches Voyage and Return Comedy Tragedy Rebirth Person versus higher power/fate Person versus self Person versus person Person versus society Person versus nature Person versus the supernatural Person versus technology Quest Adventure Pursuit Rescue Escape Revenge The Riddle Rivalry Underdog Temptation Metamorphosis Transformation Maturation Love Forbidden Love Sacrifice Discovery Wretched Excess Ascension Descension Supplication Deliverance Crime Pursued by Vengeance Vengeance taken for kindred upon kindred Pursuit Disaster Falling Prey to Cruelty of Misfortune Revolt Daring Enterprise Abduction The Enigma Obtaining Enmity of Kinsmen Rivalry of Kinsmen Murderous Adultery Madness Fatal Imprudence Involuntary Crimes of Love Slaying of a Kinsman Unrecognized Self-Sacrificing for an Ideal Self-Sacrifice for Kindred All Sacrificed for Passion Necessity of Sacrificing Loved Ones Rivalry of Superior and Inferior Adultery Crimes of Love Discovery of the Dishonor of a Loved One Obstacles to Love An Enemy Loved Ambition Conflict with a God Mistaken Jealousy Erroneous Judgement Remorse Recovery of a Lost One Loss of Loved Ones If thats not enough, you can always try Plotto. The system is a little complicated, though. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Types of RhymeRound vs. AroundWriting a Thank You Note
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites on Teens Thesis
The Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites on Teens - Thesis Example There are a number of potential negative implications of this phenomenon for adolescents and parents. For me, based on my observations, two of these negative effects are major. First concerns safety. There are many instances, as we always see in the news, where sexual offenders have been successful locating teenagers through the private information posted in their social networking profiles. Information that these youngsters think would only be of importance for or for the use of their family and friends can be accessed by strangers with harmful outcomes. Second concerns employment opportunities in the future. Employers locate unfavorable information about the past of the individual as s/he seeks employment. Injurious information could be posted that bad people could change to harm the person’s reputation. Primarily, several studies have revealed adolescent health concerns caused by online victimization and threatening sexual solicitation (Romm-Livermore & Setzekorn, 2009). Th ese dangerous sexual solicitations takes places when teenagers are invited to take part in sexual interaction or sexual relationships or to give private sexual information. This is confirmed to me by one of my friends who told me that a young girl persuaded him to take off his clothes in front of the webcam. Online victimization is identified by humiliating or antagonistic remarks or statements posted about a teenager on the Internet. As narrated by one of the teenagers I interviewed for this paper, â€Å"A classmate made a very bad joke by posting things about me on Facebook and spreading rumors about me having sexual interaction with different guys in chat rooms. These guys are total strangers to me, I do not know them. She started doing this when I got... As the essay declares social networking sites have in fact inherent positive and negative implications. Obviously, these are websites open to the prying public. People from all walks of life can access and use them. There are a number of potential negative implications of this phenomenon for adolescents and parents. For me, based on my observations, two of these negative effects are major. First concerns safety. There are many instances, as we always see in the news, where sexual offenders have been successful locating teenagers through the private information posted in their social networking profiles. This paper stresses that information that these youngsters think would only be of importance for or for the use of their family and friends can be accessed by strangers with harmful outcomes. Second concerns employment opportunities in the future. Employers locate unfavorable information about the past of the individual as s/he seeks employment. Injurious information could be posted that bad people could change to harm the person’s reputation. Online victimization is connected to coexisting psychosocial difficulties and emotional problems. Definitely, the avoidance of these negative experiences is greatly vital. Whether current recommendations to control or in other ways discourage teenagers from taking part in online social networking are an essential attempt in doing has still to be empirically and systematically studied.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The leaders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The leaders - Essay Example of how you relate to others at work and at home†(Whitmore, 2009, p 2). In the day today life of the present world many leaders are seen in business, politics, religion, and the like. A leader should have some basic qualities to become a good leader. A leader is the person who leads by example through his charismatic personality and as such he differs considerably from a boss. The boss always orders and others are compelled to obey him or her. In the case of a leader he or she never orders but leads others and knows well the power of group dynamism. A leader should â€Å"Canvass team members’ views about the desirability of arranging structured social time together†and he should â€Å"put support in place to deal, in confidence of requested, with individual troubles or concerns as they arise†(Whitmore, 2009, p.146). To speak frankly, a leader has great works to carry out. It is very difficult to be a good leader. In the industrial world to manage a group of persons with different emotional level is difficult but a skilled leader can manage them well. In this regard it can be said that a leader should have the enough emotional stability. The E.Q. and I.Q. of a leader should be high to manage others. Such leaders are fully accepted by the fellow mates whereas despotic rulers are not considered as leaders because they never lead the people but issue orders only. A leader never brings blame culture to the office and would always emphasis on joined and shared responsibility. An effective team leader is the one who inspires, motivates and protects all in the group and helps them out in times of problems. The nature of finding fault with others and accusing them for the mistakes will not make a good leader in a person. One of my friends who were employed in Smith and co once told me that his boss was always finding fault with others and this used to provoke all in the group. As this was the nature of his boss the performance of the group w as not up to the mark. The personnel manager of the company later came to know about the matter and finally the team leader was changed. Then the result of the team turned to be successful. Once the ineffective leader was changed and replaced by an effective leader, the group produced desired results. The company could gain much profit by this action. A good leader always likes to learn new skills together with his group. He or she provides the rules acceptable for the group in which he or she works. This will help the group to contribute as much as they can. A good leader is the man filled with the elements of confidence. Moreover, he has amble belief in himself. Only a person who has confidence in oneself will have confidence in others. The famous leader M.K. Gandhi, hailed as the father of India, was such a person. He lead from the front and he himself stood in the front for attaining freedom for the country. He was confident in his actions and on his followers too. So even today in across the world he is considered as a great leader. A leader is a person who has the capacity to dream to achieve his
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Divorce in united arab emirates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Divorce in united arab emirates - Essay Example Later, the councillor meets both parties to discuss their standoff (Sawma, 2012). After consultation with the councillor, they are given three-month time for them to go and try and solve their difference before they can begin the process of divorce. In case the couple insist on divorce, the divorce papers are forwarded to the court. This provides a good opportunity for the judge to study the case an aspect that is followed by the judges discussing the case and listening to all witnesses. Depending with the depth of the cases, it might take some few sessions before the judge can come into the conclusion of the case. Both parties are expected to attend all court proceedings (Momsen, 2009). In United Arab Emirates, a woman can be granted a divorce if she proves that she is physically hurt or tortured by her husband. In addition, she can sue her husband for divorce if she is abandoned by him for a period of not less than three months i.e. if he has not been providing for her and the children. Also, the law allows a woman to get a khula if she returns back the entire dowry to the husband (Goldschmidt, Puller & Darraj, 2008). In case the applicants of the divorce are both Muslims who emanates from different countries but are residents of United Arab Emirates, they can be divorced using the administrative laws in the country of residence or even United Arab Emirates laws. In case both parties are non-Muslim who are seeking a divorce, they can be granted a divorce according to the law of their country either at the embassy or even consulate. Another unique aspect of divorce in United Arab Emirates is the fact that a husband can divorce his wife by using a short message (SMS) or through the cell phone. United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and even Malaysia have allowed use of technology in terminating the marriage. Other technological method that is allowed in Sharia courts is use of email. This has been upheld as a result of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Effects Of Imperialism In Europe History Essay
The Effects Of Imperialism In Europe History Essay The effects of imperialism have been subject of debate. However it has been generally agreed that imperialism had more negative than positive effects for the countries which the European imperialist lorded over. Major imperialism occurred in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Imperialism refers to a situation when a country takes control of a smaller nation for political social and economic reasons (Duignan and Gann, 69) Heart of darkness was one of the very first literally text to provide critical view of European imperial activities. Conrad decision to set the book in the Belgian colony made it easier for the British readers, also imperialist, to avoid seeing themselves reflected in the book. The book does reinforce the fact that imperialism was an insult to the subjects as well as hypocritical Just like much of modernist literature produced in the early years of twentieth century, Conrads heart of darkness is much about confusion, alienation and intense doubt as it is on imperialism. However imperialism is the main theme, and with the help of symbolism brings this out perfectly. Darkness is essentially used to refer the continent of Africa in general and Congo in particular, and it backwardness at the point in time, while light (p3), is used to refer to western civilization that they imperialist purported to bring to Africa. By late 1890s most of African continent metaphorically referred to as worlds dark places had been put under European control (Conrad, 6). Women occupy Traditional roles as arbiter of morality and domesticity (69). However they are hardly present in the story; the concepts of home and civilization merely exist as insincere ideals, meaningless to men for whom survival is in constant doubt. Kurtz who goes into Africa with the idea of civilizing and improving the Africans ends up raiding villages and letting himself be held in awe like a god(). Hence the idealistic benefits western civilization would have had on Africa were hypocritical. Conrad explores how the transformation takes place and in the process questions the role Europe played in the exploitation of Africa. Initially the European claimed that their mission was to civilize the African whose culture they found appalling as well economic empowerment through engagement in trade. This was not to be, instead. Imperialist engaged in economic exploitation of African continent and overhauled the political and social structure of the African people. It is clear that the imperialistic activities were detrimental to Africa. Conrad finds inefficiency and wastefulness at the Belgian company in Congo contrary to the initial claim of economic development that the Europeans had claimed they endeavored to bring into the African continent. He found out that they were interested economic exploitation of Africa by obtaining raw material for their home industries by force if need be. The company was the Belgian Rubber Company which king Leopard II of Belgian had formed for enabling exploitation of rubber in the Congo region. In 1884 the partitioning of African among the imperial power was completed at Berlin conference in 1884, which Conrad refers sarcastically in the heart of darkness as the international Society for the suppression of Savage customs. Leopard declared Congo Free State his property in 1892, legally allowing Belgians to take whatever amount of rubber they wished without having to engage in trade with the locals. This resulted to tension between the locals and the Belgians and the fights which ensued left many Congolese dead, given their inferior weapons. The European was stretched thin trying to administer and protect massive far-flung empires. For example Congo was under Belgian empire while East Africa and Anglophone west Africa was under British Empire. Cracks begun to appear in the imperialist system: riots, war as well as the abandonment of commercial enterprises in a wholesale fashion as a result of the indigenous people quest for self determination. The imperialist did not have any intention of developing Africa but furthering their economic interests by exploiting it. The claim that the imperialist improved infrastructure is misplaced since they were not doing it for the interest of the African but to ease exploitation of the raw materials. The construction of Kenya Ugandan railways was meant to ease the transportation of raw materials from the east African region. Colonization was a major tool of imperialism. Its greatest misdeed was that it stripped African the responsibility in conducting their our own affairs and convinced them that their civilization was nothing less than savagery as a result giving them complexes that led to their being branded as irresponsible and lacking self confidence. The negative effects of colonization and imperialism could not be expressed better that from the African themselves. They stated that they deplored the economic exploitation by the imperialist as it reduced Africa to abject poverty, in the midst of plenty. Moreover heir fundamental rights, freedom of speech, freedom of association, of movement, freedom of worship and freedom to live a full and abundant life were denied them imperialist overt activities. Imperialism led to landlessness. People were displaced from high yielding areas and the land was taken under European plantation and which they used forced labors from the Africans. African was consigned in settlers settlement where they lived in deplorable conditions as squatters. An African proverbs best portrays the effect imperialism had on the land issue by stating that when the white man came to Africa, the African had the land while the white had the bible. Soon after the Africa was left with the bible and the European took over the land (Duigan, 89). Colonial masters destroyed the harmonious existence of the African society, by creation of tribes where they did not exist. They were aware that it was easier to exploit a divided group than a united one. Preferential treatment of one tribe over the other created tribal tension that at times led conflict. The 1994 civil war in Rwanda was fought between Tutsis and Hutu tribes that had been created by the French. Tribal animosity is rampant to this day (Boahen, 750-782). Civil wars in most of the aftrican countries are largely out of ethnic animosity and whose root causes can be found in Africas colonial legacy. On the positive side of imperialism, it is noted that the western government introduced improved health care and better sanitation method, curbing premature death that resulted from lack of treatment from preventable diseases like malaria and measles. The colonial government introduced new crops, new tools and farming methods which increased food production. The changes meant reduced death to smaller colonies and overall improved states of living. In conclusion, It is hard to decipher whether the disturbance from outside have been beneficial or detrimental given Conrads somewhat implicit portrayal of imperialism in his book. Proponents of imperialism say that the effects of imperialism were positive, but evidence shows that it led to the effects that were detrimental, than they were positive. Imperialism changed the world and made it a more difficult world to live in. The portrayal of African as backward and ignorant amounted to discrimination and racism. Imposition of eastern values was also tantamount to accepting superiority of European civilization. The effects are still felt to this day. Work cited Joseph Conrad. Heart of darkness. Courier Dover Publication, 1990 Peter Duignan and L.H Gann. Colonialism in Africa, 1870-1960. CUP, Archive. A. Abu Boahen.Africa under colonial domination 1880-1935. University of California Press, 1985.
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